[html] Directory Chooser in HTML page

How can I create a directory chooser in html page.
If I use input file element I can select file only, but I need to select directory instead.
I need to do this beacause the user should select a right path inside his computer.
Any solutions ?

This question is related to html directory

The answer is

I did a work around. I had a hidden textbox to hold the value. Then, on form_onsubmit, I copied the path value, less the file name to the hidden folder. Then, set the fileInput box to "". That way, no file is uploaded. I don't recall the event of the fileUpload control. Maybe onchange. It's been a while. If there's a value, I parse off the file name and put the folder back to the box. Of, course you'd validate that the file as a valid file. This would give you the clients workstation folder.
However, if you want to reflect server paths, that requires a whole different coding approach.

Scripting is inevitable.

This isn't provided because of the security risk. <input type='file' /> is closest, but not what you are looking for.

Checkout this example that uses Javascript to achieve what you want.

If the OS is windows, you can use VB scripts to access the core control files to browse for a folder.

If you do not have too many folders then I suggest you use if statements to choose an upload folder depending on the user input details. E.g.

String user= request.getParameter("username");
if (user=="Alfred"){
//Path A;
if (user=="other"){
//Path B;

In case if you are the server and the user (e.g. you are creating an app which works via browser and you need to choose a folder) then try to call JFileChooser from the server when some button is clicked in the browser

JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new java.io.File("."));
chooser.setDialogTitle("select folder");

This code snipped is from here

Try this, I think it will work for you:

<input type="file" webkitdirectory directory multiple/>

You can find the demo of this at https://plus.google.com/+AddyOsmani/posts/Dk5UhZ6zfF3 , and if you need further information you can find it here.