The problem with the recorded macro is the same as the problem with the built-in action: Excel chooses to freeze the top visible row, rather than the actual top row where the header information can be found.
The purpose of a macro in this case is to freeze the actual top row. When I am viewing row #405592 and I need to check the header for the column (because I forgot to freeze rows when I opened the file), I have to scroll to the top, freeze the top row, then find my way back to row #405592 again. Since I believe this is stupid behavior, I want a macro to correct it, but, like I said, the recorded macro just mimics the same stupid behavior.
I am using Office 2011 for Mac OS X Lion
Update (2 minutes later):
I found a solution here:
Dim r As Range
Set r = ActiveCell
With ActiveWindow
.FreezePanes = False
.ScrollRow = 1
.ScrollColumn = 1
.FreezePanes = True
.ScrollRow = r.Row
End With