[javascript] Does JavaScript have the interface type (such as Java's 'interface')?

I'm learning how to make OOP with JavaScript. Does it have the interface concept (such as Java's interface)?

So I would be able to create a listener...

This question is related to javascript oop

The answer is

It bugged me too to find a solution to mimic interfaces with the lower impacts possible.

One solution could be to make a tool :

@parameter {Array|object} required : method name list or members types by their name
let Interface=function(required){
    if(required instanceof Array){
    }else if(typeof(required)==='object'){
    }else {
        throw('Interface invalid parameter required = '+required);
/** check constructor instance
@parameter {object} scope : instance to check.
@parameter {boolean} [strict] : if true -> throw an error if errors ar found.
    let err=[],type,res={};
    for(let k in this.obj){
                msg:type==='undefined'?'missing element':'bad element type "'+type+'"'
        res.msg='Class bad structure :';
            let stk = new Error().stack.split('\n');
                res.errors.map(e=>'- {'+e.type+'} '+e.key+' : '+e.msg).join('\n'),
                '','at :\n\t'+stk.join('\n\t')

    return res;

Exemple of use :

// create interface tool
let dataInterface=new Interface(['toData','fromData']);
// abstract constructor
let AbstractData=function(){
    dataInterface.check(this,1);// check extended element
// extended constructor
let DataXY=function(){
    return [this.xy[0],this.xy[1]];

// should throw an error because 'fromData' is missing
let dx=new DataXY();

With classes

class AbstractData{
class DataXY extends AbstractData{
        return [this.xy[0],this.xy[1]];

It's still a bit performance consumming and require dependancy to the Interface class, but can be of use for debug or open api.

This is old but I implemented interfaces to use on ES6 without transpiller.


there is no native interfaces in JavaScript, there are several ways to simulate an interface. i have written a package that does it

you can see the implantation here

This is an old question, nevertheless this topic never ceases to bug me.

As many of the answers here and across the web focus on "enforcing" the interface, I'd like to suggest an alternative view:

I feel the lack of interfaces the most when I'm using multiple classes that behave similarly (i.e. implement an interface).

For example, I have an Email Generator that expects to receive Email Sections Factories, that "know" how to generate the sections' content and HTML. Hence, they all need to have some sort of getContent(id) and getHtml(content) methods.

The closest pattern to interfaces (albeit it's still a workaround) I could think of is using a class that'll get 2 arguments, which will define the 2 interface methods.

The main challenge with this pattern is that the methods either have to be static, or to get as argument the instance itself, in order to access its properties. However there are cases in which I find this trade-off worth the hassle.

class Filterable {_x000D_
  constructor(data, { filter, toString }) {_x000D_
    this.data = data;_x000D_
    this.filter = filter;_x000D_
    this.toString = toString;_x000D_
    // You can also enforce here an Iterable interface, for example,_x000D_
    // which feels much more natural than having an external check_x000D_
const evenNumbersList = new Filterable(_x000D_
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], {_x000D_
    filter: (lst) => {_x000D_
      const evenElements = lst.data.filter(x => x % 2 === 0);_x000D_
      lst.data = evenElements;_x000D_
    toString: lst => `< ${lst.data.toString()} >`,_x000D_
console.log('The whole list:    ', evenNumbersList.toString(evenNumbersList));_x000D_
console.log('The filtered list: ', evenNumbersList.toString(evenNumbersList));

Pick up a copy of 'JavaScript design patterns' by Dustin Diaz. There's a few chapters dedicated to implementing JavaScript interfaces through Duck Typing. It's a nice read as well. But no, there's no language native implementation of an interface, you have to Duck Type.

// example duck typing method
var hasMethods = function(obj /*, method list as strings */){
    var i = 1, methodName;
    while((methodName = arguments[i++])){
        if(typeof obj[methodName] != 'function') {
            return false;
    return true;

// in your code
if(hasMethods(obj, 'quak', 'flapWings','waggle')) {
    //  IT'S A DUCK, do your duck thang

JavaScript (ECMAScript edition 3) has an implements reserved word saved up for future use. I think this is intended exactly for this purpose, however, in a rush to get the specification out the door they didn't have time to define what to do with it, so, at the present time, browsers don't do anything besides let it sit there and occasionally complain if you try to use it for something.

It is possible and indeed easy enough to create your own Object.implement(Interface) method with logic that baulks whenever a particular set of properties/functions are not implemented in a given object.

I wrote an article on object-orientation where use my own notation as follows:

// Create a 'Dog' class that inherits from 'Animal'
// and implements the 'Mammal' interface
var Dog = Object.extend(Animal, {
    constructor: function(name) {
        Dog.superClass.call(this, name);
    bark: function() {

There are many ways to skin this particular cat, but this is the logic I used for my own Interface implementation. I find I prefer this approach, and it is easy to read and use (as you can see above). It does mean adding an 'implement' method to Function.prototype which some people may have a problem with, but I find it works beautifully.

Function.prototype.implement = function() {
    // Loop through each interface passed in and then check 
    // that its members are implemented in the context object (this).
    for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
       // .. Check member's logic ..
    // Remember to return the class being tested
    return this;

You need interfaces in Java since it is statically typed and the contract between classes should be known during compilation. In JavaScript it is different. JavaScript is dynamically typed; it means that when you get the object you can just check if it has a specific method and call it.

I know this is an old one, but I've recently found myself needing more and more to have a handy API for checking objects against interfaces. So I wrote this: https://github.com/tomhicks/methodical

It's also available via NPM: npm install methodical

It basically does everything suggested above, with some options for being a bit more strict, and all without having to do loads of if (typeof x.method === 'function') boilerplate.

Hopefully someone finds it useful.

abstract interface like this

const MyInterface = {
  serialize: () => {throw "must implement serialize for MyInterface types"},
  print: () => console.log(this.serialize())

create an instance:

function MyType() {
  this.serialize = () => "serialized "
MyType.prototype = MyInterface

and use it

let x = new MyType()

When you want to use a transcompiler, then you could give TypeScript a try. It supports draft ECMA features (in the proposal, interfaces are called "protocols") similar to what languages like coffeescript or babel do.

In TypeScript your interface can look like:

interface IMyInterface {
    id: number; // TypeScript types are lowercase
    name: string;
    callback: (key: string; value: any; array: string[]) => void;
    type: "test" | "notATest"; // so called "union type"

What you can't do:

JavaScript Interfaces:

Though JavaScript does not have the interface type, it is often times needed. For reasons relating to JavaScript's dynamic nature and use of Prototypical-Inheritance, it is difficult to ensure consistent interfaces across classes -- however, it is possible to do so; and frequently emulated.

At this point, there are handfuls of particular ways to emulate Interfaces in JavaScript; variance on approaches usually satisfies some needs, while others are left unaddressed. Often times, the most robust approach is overly cumbersome and stymies the implementor (developer).

Here is an approach to Interfaces / Abstract Classes that is not very cumbersome, is explicative, keeps implementations inside of Abstractions to a minimum, and leaves enough room for dynamic or custom methodologies:

function resolvePrecept(interfaceName) {
    var interfaceName = interfaceName;
    return function curry(value) {
        /*      throw new Error(interfaceName + ' requires an implementation for ...');     */
        console.warn('%s requires an implementation for ...', interfaceName);
        return value;

var iAbstractClass = function AbstractClass() {
    var defaultTo = resolvePrecept('iAbstractClass');

    this.datum1 = this.datum1 || defaultTo(new Number());
    this.datum2 = this.datum2 || defaultTo(new String());

    this.method1 = this.method1 || defaultTo(new Function('return new Boolean();'));
    this.method2 = this.method2 || defaultTo(new Function('return new Object();'));


var ConcreteImplementation = function ConcreteImplementation() {

    this.datum1 = 1;
    this.datum2 = 'str';

    this.method1 = function method1() {
        return true;
    this.method2 = function method2() {
        return {};

    //Applies Interface (Implement iAbstractClass Interface)
    iAbstractClass.apply(this);  // .call / .apply after precept definitions


Precept Resolver

The resolvePrecept function is a utility & helper function to use inside of your Abstract Class. Its job is to allow for customized implementation-handling of encapsulated Precepts (data & behavior). It can throw errors or warn -- AND -- assign a default value to the Implementor class.


The iAbstractClass defines the interface to be used. Its approach entails a tacit agreement with its Implementor class. This interface assigns each precept to the same exact precept namespace -- OR -- to whatever the Precept Resolver function returns. However, the tacit agreement resolves to a context -- a provision of Implementor.


The Implementor simply 'agrees' with an Interface (iAbstractClass in this case) and applies it by the use of Constructor-Hijacking: iAbstractClass.apply(this). By defining the data & behavior above, and then hijacking the Interface's constructor -- passing Implementor's context to the Interface constructor -- we can ensure that Implementor's overrides will be added, and that Interface will explicate warnings and default values.

This is a very non-cumbersome approach which has served my team & I very well for the course of time and different projects. However, it does have some caveats & drawbacks.


Though this helps implement consistency throughout your software to a significant degree, it does not implement true interfaces -- but emulates them. Though definitions, defaults, and warnings or errors are explicated, the explication of use is enforced & asserted by the developer (as with much of JavaScript development).

This is seemingly the best approach to "Interfaces in JavaScript", however, I would love to see the following resolved:

  • Assertions of return types
  • Assertions of signatures
  • Freeze objects from delete actions
  • Assertions of anything else prevalent or needed in the specificity of the JavaScript community

That said, I hope this helps you as much as it has my team and I.

Javascript does not have interfaces. But it can be duck-typed, an example can be found here:


Hope, that anyone who's still looking for an answer finds it helpful.

You can try out using a Proxy (It's standard since ECMAScript 2015): https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy

latLngLiteral = new Proxy({},{
    set: function(obj, prop, val) {
        //only these two properties can be set
        if(['lng','lat'].indexOf(prop) == -1) {
            throw new ReferenceError('Key must be "lat" or "lng"!');

        //the dec format only accepts numbers
        if(typeof val !== 'number') {
            throw new TypeError('Value must be numeric');

        //latitude is in range between 0 and 90
        if(prop == 'lat'  && !(0 < val && val < 90)) {
            throw new RangeError('Position is out of range!');
        //longitude is in range between 0 and 180
        else if(prop == 'lng' && !(0 < val && val < 180)) {
            throw new RangeError('Position is out of range!');

        obj[prop] = val;

        return true;

Then you can easily say:

myMap = {}
myMap.position = latLngLiteral;