[php] Getting list of Facebook friends with latest API

I'm using the most recent version of the Facebook SDK (which lets to connect to something called the 'graph API' though I'm not sure). I've adapted Facebook's example code to let me connect to Facebook and that works... but I can't get a list of my friends.

$friends = $facebook->api('friends.get');

This produces the error message: "Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: (#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: friends.get thrown in /mycode/facebook.php on line 543"

No clue why that is or what that means. Can someone tell me the right syntax (for the latest Facebook API) to get a list of friends? (I tried "$friends = $facebook->api->friends_get();" and get a different error, "Fatal error: Call to a member function friends_get() on a non-object in /mycode/example.php on line 129".)

I can confirm that BEFORE this point in my code, things are fine: I'm connected to Facebook with a valid session and I can get my info and dump it to the screen just... i.e. this code executes perfectly before the failed friends.get call:

$session = $facebook->getSession();
if ($session) {
    $uid = $facebook->getUser();
    $me = $facebook->api('/me');

The answer is

If you want to use the REST end point,

$friends = $facebook->api(array('method' => 'friends.get'));

else if you are using the graph api, then use,

$friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');

Use FQL instead, its a like SQL but for Facebook's data tables and easily covers data query you'de like to make. You won't have to use all of those /xx/xxx/xx calls, just know the tables and columns you are intereseted in.

$myQuery = "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1=me()";
$facebook->api( "/fql?q=" . urlencode($myQuery) )

Great interactive examples at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/

Just a heads up for anyone stumbling across this question using v2.0 of the Graph API: This will not work anymore. In v2.0, calling /me/friends only returns a list the person's friends who also use the app:

  • A user access token with user_friends permission is required to view the current person's friends.
  • This will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request.
  • If a friend of the person declines the user_friends permission, that friend will not show up in the friend list for this person.

Getting the friends like @nfvs describes is a good way. It outputs a multi-dimensional array with all friends with attributes id and name (ordered by id). You can see the friends photos like this:

foreach ($friends as $key=>$value) {
    echo count($value) . ' Friends';
    echo '<hr />';
    echo '<ul id="friends">';
    foreach ($value as $fkey=>$fvalue) {
        echo '<li><img src="https://graph.facebook.com/' . $fvalue->id . '/picture" title="' . $fvalue->name . '"/></li>';
    echo '</ul>';


Is function to get a list of friend's

And yes this is best

    $friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');

    echo '<ul>';
    foreach ($friends["data"] as $value) {
        echo '<li>';
        echo '<div class="pic">';
        echo '<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/' . $value["id"] . '/picture"/>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="picName">'.$value["name"].'</div>'; 
        echo '</li>';
    echo '</ul>';

header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

input in your page.

This is live version of PHP Code to get your friends from Facebook

    $user = $facebook->getUser();

    if ($user) {
        $user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
        $friends = $facebook->api('/me/friends');

        echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($friends["data"] as $value) {
            echo '<li>';
            echo '<div class="pic">';
            echo '<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/' . $value["id"] . '/picture"/>';
            echo '</div>';
            echo '<div class="picName">'.$value["name"].'</div>'; 
            echo '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';

in the recent version of facebook sdk , facebook has disabled the feature that let you access some one friends list due to security reasons ... check the documentation to learn more ...

Using CodeIgniter OAuth2/0.4.0 sparks,

in Auth.php file,

$user = $provider->get_user_info($token);

$friends = $provider->get_friends_list($token);

and in Facebook.php file under Provider, add the following function,

    public function get_friends_list(OAuth2_Token_Access $token)
            $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?'.http_build_query(array(
                    'access_token' => $token->access_token,
            $friends = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),TRUE);

            return $friends;

prints the facebenter code hereook friends.

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