This is basically the same approach as the answer by Box9 but I wrapped it in a nice jquery plugin that takes the same arguments as a regular animate, for when you need to have more animated parameters and get tired of repeating the same code over and over:
$.fn.animateToAutoHeight = function(){
var curHeight = this.css('height'),
height = this.css('height','auto').height(),
duration = 200,
easing = 'swing',
callback = $.noop,
parameters = { height: height };
this.css('height', curHeight);
for (var i in arguments) {
switch (typeof arguments[i]) {
case 'object':
parameters = arguments[i];
parameters.height = height;
case 'string':
if (arguments[i] == 'slow' || arguments[i] == 'fast') duration = arguments[i];
else easing = arguments[i];
case 'number': duration = arguments[i]; break;
case 'function': callback = arguments[i]; break;
this.animate(parameters, duration, easing, function() {
$(this).css('height', 'auto');, arguments);
return this;
edit: chainable and cleaner now