I was getting the same exact error as well. Here is the fix. When you are specifying where to write to, Android will automatically resolve your path into either /data/
or /mnt/sdcard/
. Let me explain.
If you execute the following statement:
File resolveMe = new File("/data/myPackage/files/media/qmhUZU.jpg");
It will resolve the path to the root /data/
somewhere higher up in Android.
I figured this out, because after I executed the following code, it was placed automatically in the root /mnt/
without me translating anything on my own.
File resolveMeSDCard = new File("/sdcard/myPackage/files/media/qmhUZU.jpg");
A quick fix would be to change your following code:
File f = new File(getLocalPath().replace("/data/data/", "/"));
Hope this helps