[python] How to print a percentage value in python?

this is my code:

print str(float(1/3))+'%'

and it shows:


but I want to get 33%

What can I do?

This question is related to python python-2.x

The answer is

You are dividing integers then converting to float. Divide by floats instead.

As a bonus, use the awesome string formatting methods described here: http://docs.python.org/library/string.html#format-specification-mini-language

To specify a percent conversion and precision.

>>> float(1) / float(3)
[Out] 0.33333333333333331

>>> 1.0/3.0
[Out] 0.33333333333333331

>>> '{0:.0%}'.format(1.0/3.0) # use string formatting to specify precision
[Out] '33%'

>>> '{percent:.2%}'.format(percent=1.0/3.0)
[Out] '33.33%'

A great gem!

Then you'd want to do this instead:

print str(int(1.0/3.0*100))+'%'

The .0 denotes them as floats and int() rounds them to integers afterwards again.

Just to add Python 3 f-string solution

prob = 1.0/3.0

There is a way more convenient 'percent'-formatting option for the .format() format method:

>>> '{:.1%}'.format(1/3.0)

Just for the sake of completeness, since I noticed no one suggested this simple approach:

>>> print("%.0f%%" % (100 * 1.0/3))


  • %.0f stands for "print a float with 0 decimal places", so %.2f would print 33.33
  • %% prints a literal %. A bit cleaner than your original +'%'
  • 1.0 instead of 1 takes care of coercing the division to float, so no more 0.0