[mysql] MySQL OPTIMIZE all tables?

A starter bash script to list and run a tool against the DBs...


declare -a dbs
unset opt

for each in $(echo "show databases;" | mysql -u root) ;do



echo " The system found [ ${#dbs[@]} ] databases." ;sleep 2
echo "press 1 to run a check"
echo "press 2 to run an optimization"
echo "press 3 to run a repair"
echo "press 4 to run check,repair, and optimization"
echo "press q to quit"
read input

case $input in
        1) opt="-c"
        2) opt="-o"
        3) opt="-r"
        4) opt="--auto-repair -c -o"
        *) echo "Quitting Application .."; exit 7

[[ -z $opt ]] && exit 7;

echo " running option:  mysqlcheck $opt in 5 seconds  on all Dbs... "; sleep 5

for ((i=0; i<${#dbs[@]}; i++)) ;do
        echo "${dbs[$i]} : "
        mysqlcheck $opt ${dbs[$i]}  -u root