[java] How to create an array of 20 random bytes?

How can I create an array of 20 random bytes in Java?

This question is related to java arrays random

The answer is

If you are already using Apache Commons Lang, the RandomUtils makes this a one-liner:

byte[] randomBytes = RandomUtils.nextBytes(20);

Note: this does not produce cryptographically-secure bytes.

If you want a cryptographically strong random number generator (also thread safe) without using a third party API, you can use SecureRandom.

Java 6 & 7:

SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

Java 8 (even more secure):

byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

Create a Random object with a seed and get the array random by doing:

public static final int ARRAY_LENGTH = 20;

byte[] byteArray = new byte[ARRAY_LENGTH];
new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()).nextBytes(byteArray);
// get fisrt element
System.out.println("Random byte: " + byteArray[0]);

For those wanting a more secure way to create a random byte array, yes the most secure way is:

byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

BUT your threads might block if there is not enough randomness available on the machine, depending on your OS. The following solution will not block:

SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

This is because the first example uses /dev/random and will block while waiting for more randomness (generated by a mouse/keyboard and other sources). The second example uses /dev/urandom which will not block.

Java 7 introduced ThreadLocalRandom which is isolated to the current thread.

This is an another rendition of maerics's solution.

final byte[] bytes = new byte[20];

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