[python] Converting Python dict to kwargs?

I want to build a query for sunburnt(solr interface) using class inheritance and therefore adding key - value pairs together. The sunburnt interface takes keyword arguments. How can I transform a dict ({'type':'Event'}) into keyword arguments (type='Event')?

This question is related to python dictionary keyword-argument

The answer is

Here is a complete example showing how to use the ** operator to pass values from a dictionary as keyword arguments.

>>> def f(x=2):
...     print(x)
>>> new_x = {'x': 4}
>>> f()        #    default value x=2
>>> f(x=3)     #   explicit value x=3
>>> f(**new_x) # dictionary value x=4 

** operator would be helpful here.

** operator will unpack the dict elements and thus **{'type':'Event'} would be treated as type='Event'

func(**{'type':'Event'}) is same as func(type='Event') i.e the dict elements would be converted to the keyword arguments.


* will unpack the list elements and they would be treated as positional arguments.

func(*['one', 'two']) is same as func('one', 'two')