[apache2] Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name

I have just installed Apache 2.2.17, and I am using it first time.

Now when I try to start the server using the command service httpd start it gives me the message:

httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using ::1 for ServerName

Now I think I have to set ServerName and the IP address as I search through Google. But I don't know in which file I have to set.

How can I fix this problem?

This question is related to apache2 fedora

The answer is

Yes, you should set ServerName:



You can find information on the layouts used by the various httpd distributions here:


In your case the file to edit is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

If you are using windows, remove comment on these lines and set them as:

Line 227 : ServerName 
Line 235 : AllowOverride all 
Line 236 : Require all granted

Worked for me!

  1. sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  2. search for a text ServerName in nano editor <Ctrl + W>
  3. Insert the following line at the httpd.conf: ServerName localhost
  4. Just restart the Apache: sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart

Two things seemed to do it for me:

  1. Put all aliases for in /etc/hosts in a single line (e.g. localhost mysite.local myothersite.local
  2. Set ServerName in my httpd.conf to (localhost or didn't work for me)

Editing /etc/hosts got rid of long response times and setting the ServerName got rid of OP's warning for me.

who are still couldnt resolve the problem and using mac then follow this

1.goto the root folder /

  1. cd usr/local/etc/apache2/2.4

3.sudo nano httpd.conf

4.change #servername to ServerName press ctrl+o,+return+ctrl x

5.then restart the server apachectl restart

If you are using windows there is something different sort of situation

First open c:/apache24/conf/httpd.conf. The Apache folder is enough not specifically above path

After that you have to configure httpd.conf file.

Just after few lines there is pattern like:

#Listen _____________:80
Listen 80

Here You have to change for the localhost.

You have to enter ipv4 address for that you can open localhost.

Refer this video link and after that just bit more.

Change your environment variables:

Image for Environment USER Variables in System setting

In which you have to enter path:


same in the SYSTEM variables

Image is for system variables path

If any query feel free to ask.

Under Debian Squeeze;

  1. Edit Apache2 conf file : vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
  2. Insert the following line at the apache2.conf: ServerName localhost
  3. Restart Apache2: apache2ctl restart or /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Should work fine (it did solve the problem in my case)

tks noodl for the link on the different layouts. :)

  1. sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
  2. Insert the following line at the httpd.conf: ServerName localhost
  3. Just restart the Apache: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

FQDN means the resolved name over DNS. It should be like "server-name.search-domain".

The warning you get just provides a notice that httpd can not find a FQDN, so it might not work right to handle a name-based virtual host. So make sure the expected FQDN is registered in your DNS server, or manually add the entry in /etc/hosts which is prior to hitting DNS.

I was NOT getting the ServerName wrong. Inside your VirtualHost configuration that is causing this warning message, it is the generic one near the top of your httpd.conf which is by default commented out.


#ServerName www.example.com:80



Here's my two cents. Maybe it's useful for future readers.

I ran into this problem when using Apache within a Docker container. When I started a container from an image of the Apache webserver, this message appeared when I started it with docker run -it -p 80:80 my-apache-container.

However, after starting the container in detached mode, using docker run -d -p 80:80 my-apache-container, I was able to connect through the browser.

" To solve this problem You need set ServerName.

1: $ vim /etc/apache2/conf.d/name For example set add ServerName localhost or any other name:

2: ServerName localhost Restart Apache 2

3: $ service apache restart For this example I use Ubuntu"

Another option is to ensure that the full qualified host name (FQDN) is listed in /etc/hosts. This worked for me on Ubuntu v11.10 without having to change the default Apache configuration.