[javascript] Javascript geocoding from address to latitude and longitude numbers not working

Try using this instead:

var latitude = results[0].geometry.location.lat();
var longitude = results[0].geometry.location.lng();

It's bit hard to navigate Google's api but here is the relevant documentation.

One thing I had trouble finding was how to go in the other direction. From coordinates to an address. Here is the code I neded upp using. Please not that I also use jquery.

$.each(results[0].address_components, function(){
    $("#CreateDialog").find('input[name="'+ this.types+'"]').attr('value', this.long_name);

What I'm doing is to loop through all the returned address_components and test if their types match any input element names I have in a form. And if they do I set the value of the element to the address_components value.
If you're only interrested in the whole formated address then you can follow Google's example