[regex] Regular expression to find URLs within a string

Does anyone know of a regular expression I could use to find URLs within a string? I've found a lot of regular expressions on Google for determining if an entire string is a URL but I need to be able to search an entire string for URLs. For example, I would like to be able to find www.google.com and http://yahoo.com in the following string:

Hello www.google.com World http://yahoo.com

I am not looking for specific URLs in the string. I am looking for ALL of the URLs in the string which is why I need a regular expression.

This question is related to regex string url

The answer is

It is just simple.

Use this pattern: \b((ftp|https?)://)?([\w-\.]+\.(com|net|org|gov|mil|int|edu|info|me)|(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+))(:\d+)?(\/[\w-\/]*(\?\w*(=\w+)*[&\w-=]*)*(#[\w-]+)*)?

It matches any link contains:

Allowed Protocols: http, https and ftp

Allowed Domains: *.com, *.net, *.org, *.gov, *.mil, *.int, *.edu, *.info and *.me OR IP

Allowed Ports: true

Allowed Parameters: true

Allowed Hashes: true

None of the solutions provided here solved the problems/use-cases I had.

What I have provided here, is the best I have found/made so far. I will update it when I find new edge-cases that it doesn't handle.

  #Word cannot begin with special characters
  #Protocols are optional, but take them with us if they are present
  #Domains have to be of a length of 1 chars or greater
  #The domain ending has to be between 2 to 15 characters
       #If no domain ending we want a port, only if a protocol is specified
#Word cannot end with @ (made to catch emails)
#We accept any number of slugs, given we have a char after the slash
#If we have endings like ?=fds include the ending
#The last char cannot be one of these symbols .,?!,- exclude these

Matching a URL in a text should not be so complex

(?:(?:(?:ftp|http)[s]*:\/\/|www\.)[^\.]+\.[^ \n]+)


I use this Regex:


It works fine for many URLs, like: http://google.com, https://dev-site.io:8080/home?val=1&count=100, www.regexr.com, localhost:8080/path, ...

Using the regex provided by @JustinLevene did not have the proper escape sequences on the back-slashes. Updated to now be correct, and added in condition to match the FTP protocol as well: Will match to all urls with or without protocols, and with out without "www."

Code: ^((http|ftp|https):\/\/)?([\w_-]+(?:(?:\.[\w_-]+)+))([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])?

Example: https://regex101.com/r/uQ9aL4/65

This is a slight improvement on/adjustment to (depending on what you need) Rajeev's answer:


See here for an example of what it does and does not match.

I got rid of the check for "http" etc as I wanted to catch url's without this. I added slightly to the regex to catch some obfuscated urls (i.e. where user's use [dot] instead of a "."). Finally I replaced "\w" with "A-Z" to and "{2,3}" to reduce false positives like v2.0 and "moo.0dd".

Any improvements on this welcome.

I think this regex pattern handle precisely what you want


and this is an snippet example to extract Urls:

// The Regular Expression filter
$reg_exUrl = "/(http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/";

// The Text you want to filter for urls
$text = "The text you want  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6038061/regular-expression-to-find-urls-within-a-string to filter goes here.";

// Check if there is a url in the text
preg_match_all($reg_exUrl, $text, $url,$matches);

Wrote one up myself:

let regex = /([\w+]+\:\/\/)?([\w\d-]+\.)*[\w-]+[\.\:]\w+([\/\?\=\&\#\.]?[\w-]+)*\/?/gm

It works on ALL of the following domains:

Hello www.google.com World http://yahoo.com

You can see how it performs here on regex101 and adjust as needed

All of the above answers are not match for Unicode characters in URL, for example: http://google.com?query=d?c+filan+dã+search

For the solution, this one should work:


I have utilize c# Uri class and it works, well with IP Address, localhost

 public static bool CheckURLIsValid(string url)
        Uri returnURL;

       return (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out returnURL)
           && (returnURL.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || returnURL.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps));


I use the logic of finding text between two dots or periods

the regex below works fine with python


This is the best one.

NSString *urlRegex="(http|ftp|https|www|gopher|telnet|file)(://|.)([\\w_-]+(?:(?:\\.[\\w_-]+)??+))([\\w.,@?^=%&:/~+#-]*[\\w@?^=%&/~+#-])?";

Here a little bit more optimized regexp:


Here is test with data: https://regex101.com/r/sFzzpY/6

enter image description here

I found this which covers most sample links, including subdirectory parts.

Regex is:



Detects Urls like these:



If you have the url pattern, you should be able to search for it in your string. Just make sure that the pattern doesnt have ^ and $ marking beginning and end of the url string. So if P is the pattern for URL, look for matches for P.

If you have to be strict on selecting links, I would go for:


For more infos, read this:

An Improved Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs

Short and simple. I have not tested in javascript code yet but It looks it will work:


Code on regex101.com

Code preview


If you want an explanation of each part, try in regexr[.]com where you will get a great explanation of every character.

This is split by an "|" or "OR" because not all useable URI have "//" so this is where you can create a list of schemes as or conditions that you would be interested in matching.

A probably too simplistic, but working method might be:


I tested it on Python and as long as the string parsing contains a space before and after and none in the url (which I have never seen before) it should be fine.

Here is an online ide demonstrating it

However here are some benefits of using it:

  • It recognises file: and localhost as well as ip addresses
  • It will never match without them
  • It does not mind unusual characters such as # or - (see url of this post)

I liked Stefan Henze 's solution but it would pick up 34.56. Its too general and I have unparsed html. There are 4 anchors for a url;

www ,

http:\ (and co) ,

. followed by letters and then / ,

or letters . and one of these: https://ftp.isc.org/www/survey/reports/current/bynum.txt .

I used lots of info from this thread. Thank you all.


Above solves just about everything except a string like "eurls:www.google.com,facebook.com,http://test.com/", which it returns as a single string. Tbh idk why I added gopher etc. Proof R code

  wierdurl[1]<-"https://JP??.?.jp/dir1/?? "
  wierdurl[2]<-"xn--jp-cd2fp15c.xn--fsq.jp "
  wierdurl[4]<-"https://12000.org/ "
  wierdurl[5]<-"  https://vg-1.com/?page_id=1002 "
  wierdurl[7]<-"The link of this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6038061/regular-expression-to-find-urls-within-a-string
  Also there are some urls: www.google.com, facebook.com, http://test.com/method?param=wasd
  The code below catches all urls in text and returns urls in list. "
  Thecodebelowcatchesallurlsintextandreturnsurlsinlist. "
  wierdurl[12]<-"www.e "
  wierdurl[13]<-"is this the file.txt i need"
  wierdurl[14]<-"xn--jp-cd2fp15c.xn--fsq.jpinspiredby "
  wierdurl[15]<-"[xn--jp-cd2fp15c.xn--fsq.jp/inspiredby "
  wierdurl[16]<-"xnto--jpto-cd2fp15c.xnto--fsq.jpinspiredby "
  wierdurl[17]<-"fsety--fwdvg-gertu56.ffuoiw--ffwsx.3dinspiredby "
  wierdurl[18]<-"://3dnews.ru/822878 "
  wierdurl[19]<-" http://mywebsite.com/msn.co.uk "
  wierdurl[20]<-" 2.0http://www.abe.hip "
  regexstring[9]<-"http[s:/]+[[:alnum:]./]+" #in DLpages 230
  regexstring[1]<-"[[:alnum:]-]+?[.][:alnum:]+?(?=[/ :])" #in link_graphs 50
  regexstring[14]<-"(((((http|ftp|https):\\/\\/)|(www\\.)|(xn--)){1}([\\w_-]+(?:(?:\\.[\\w_-]+)+))([\\w.,@?^=%&:\\/~+#-]*[\\w@?^=%&\\/~+#-])?)|(([\\w_-]+(?:(?:\\.[\\w_-]+)*))((\\.((org|com|net|edu|gov|mil|int)|(([:alpha:]{2})(?=[, ]))))|([\\/]([\\w.,@?^=%&:\\/~+#-]*[\\w@?^=%&\\/~+#-])?))))(?!(((ttp|tp|ttps):\\/\\/)|(ww\\.)|(n--)))"

for(i in wierdurl){#c(7,22)
  for(c in regexstring[c(15)]) {

This is a simplest one. which work for me fine.


Guess no regex is perfect for this use. I found a pretty solid one here


Some differences / advantages compared to the other ones posted here:

  • It does not match email addresses
  • It does match localhost:12345
  • It won't detect something like moo.com without http or www

See here for examples

I used this


text = """The link of this question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6038061/regular-expression-to-find-urls-within-a-string
Also there are some urls: www.google.com, facebook.com, http://test.com/method?param=wasd, http://test.com/method?param=wasd&params2=kjhdkjshd
The code below catches all urls in text and returns urls in list."""

urls = re.findall('(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/)?[\w/\-?=%.]+\.[\w/\-&?=%.]+', text)



I used below regular expression to find url in a string:


This is the one I use


Works for me, should work for you too.

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