Here my $0.02. It is based on Andrew Clark's answer, just a little bit clearer, and it also covers the case when a string to replace is a substring of another string to replace (longer string wins)
def multireplace(string, replacements):
Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string.
:param str string: string to execute replacements on
:param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {value to find: value to replace}
:rtype: str
# Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching
# where the longer ones should take place
# For instance given the replacements {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against
# the string 'hey abc', it should produce 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc'
substrs = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True)
# Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace
regexp = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, substrs)))
# For each match, look up the new string in the replacements
return regexp.sub(lambda match: replacements[], string)
It is in this this gist, feel free to modify it if you have any proposal.