[c++] Expression must have class type

Allow an analysis.

#include <iostream>   // not #include "iostream"
using namespace std;  // in this case okay, but never do that in header files

class A
  void f() { cout<<"f()\n"; }

int main()
 // A a; //this works
 A *a = new A(); //this doesn't
 a.f(); // "f has not been declared"
 */ // below

 // system("pause");  <-- Don't do this. It is non-portable code. I guess your 
 //                       teacher told you this?
 //                       Better: In your IDE there is prolly an option somewhere
 //                               to not close the terminal/console-window.
 //                       If you compile on a CLI, it is not needed at all.

As a general advice:

0) Prefer automatic variables
  int a;
  MyClass myInstance;
  std::vector<int> myIntVector;

1) If you need data sharing on big objects down 
   the call hierarchy, prefer references:

  void foo (std::vector<int> const &input) {...}
  void bar () { 
       std::vector<int> something;
       foo (something);

2) If you need data sharing up the call hierarchy, prefer smart-pointers
   that automatically manage deletion and reference counting.

3) If you need an array, use std::vector<> instead in most cases.
   std::vector<> is ought to be the one default container.

4) I've yet to find a good reason for blank pointers.

   -> Hard to get right exception safe

       class Foo {
           Foo () : a(new int[512]), b(new int[512]) {}
           ~Foo() {
               delete [] b;
               delete [] a;

       -> if the second new[] fails, Foo leaks memory, because the
          destructor is never called. Avoid this easily by using 
          one of the standard containers, like std::vector, or

As a rule of thumb: If you need to manage memory on your own, there is generally a superiour manager or alternative available already, one that follows the RAII principle.

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