[jquery] Check if a class `active` exist on element with jquery

Check if a class active exist on an li with a class menu

For example

<li class="menu active">something...</li>

This question is related to jquery class

The answer is

    if($('selector').hasClass('active')){ }

i think this will check if the selector hasClass active ...

i wrote a helper method to help me go through all my selected elements and remove the active class.

    function removeClassFromElem(classSelect, classToRemove){
        var currElem=$(this);

    removeClassFromElem('.someclass', 'active');

If Condition to check, currently class active or not


use the hasClass jQuery method

You can use the hasClass method, eg.

$('li.menu').hasClass('active') // true|false

Or if you want to select it in one go, you can use:


  changeColor = $(.active).css("color","any color");
  if($(".classname").hasClass('active')) {

You can retrieve all elements having the 'active' class using the following:


Checking wether or not there are any would, i belief, be with

if($('.active').length > 0)
    // code


is the simplest way. This will return all elements with both classes.

Or an already answered jQuery hasClass() - check for more than one class

Pure JavaScript answer:


Might help someone someday.