[javascript] Calling a javascript function recursively

Here's one very simple example:

var counter = 0;

function getSlug(tokens) {
    var slug = '';

    if (!!tokens.length) {
        slug = tokens.shift();
        slug = slug.toLowerCase();
        slug += getSlug(tokens);

        counter += 1;
        console.log('THE SLUG ELEMENT IS: %s, counter is: %s', slug, counter);

    return slug;

var mySlug = getSlug(['This', 'Is', 'My', 'Slug']);
console.log('THE SLUG IS: %s', mySlug);

Notice that the counter counts "backwards" in regards to what slug's value is. This is because of the position at which we are logging these values, as the function recurs before logging -- so, we essentially keep nesting deeper and deeper into the call-stack before logging takes place.

Once the recursion meets the final call-stack item, it trampolines "out" of the function calls, whereas, the first increment of counter occurs inside of the last nested call.

I know this is not a "fix" on the Questioner's code, but given the title I thought I'd generically exemplify Recursion for a better understanding of recursion, outright.

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Calling a javascript function recursively