[php] Any way to break if statement in PHP?

Don't worry about other users comments, I can understand you, SOMETIMES when developing this "fancy" things are required. If we can break an if, a lot of nested ifs won't be necessary, making the code much more clean and aesthetic.

This sample code illustrate that CERTAINS SITUATIONS where breaked if can be much more suitable than a lot of ugly nested ifs... if you haven't faced that certain situation does not mean it doesn't exists.

Ugly code

if(process_x()) {

    /* do a lot of other things */

    if(process_y()) {

         /* do a lot of other things */

         if(process_z()) {

              /* do a lot of other things */
              /* SUCCESS */

         else {



    else {



else {



Good looking code

do {

  if( !process_x() )
    { clean_all_processes();  break; }

  /* do a lot of other things */

  if( !process_y() )
    { clean_all_processes();  break; }

  /* do a lot of other things */

  if( !process_z() )
    { clean_all_processes();  break; }

  /* do a lot of other things */
  /* SUCCESS */

} while (0);

As @NiematojakTomasz says, the use of goto is an alternative, the bad thing about this is you always need to define the label (point target).