[regex] Notepad++ incrementally replace

(Posting in case someone might have a use of it).

I was looking for a solution for a problem a bit more sophisticated than OP - replacing EVERY occurrence of something with the number by same thing with incremented number

E.g. Replacing something like this:

<row id="1" />
<row id="2" />
<row id="1" />
<row id="3" />
<row id="1" />

By this:

<row id="2" />
<row id="3" />
<row id="2" />
<row id="4" />
<row id="2" />

Couldnt find the solution online so I wrote my own script in groovy (a bit ugly but does the job):

 * <p> Finds words that matches template and increases them by 1.
 * '_' in word template represents number.
 * <p> E.g. if template equals 'Row="_"', then:
 * ALL Row=0 will be replaced by Row="1"
 * All Row=1 will be replaced by Row="2"
 * <p> Warning - your find template might not work properly if _ is the last character of it
 * etc.
 * <p> Requirments:
 * - Original text does not contain tepmlate string
 * - Only numbers in non-disrupted sequence are incremented and replaced
 * (i.e. from example below, if Row=4 exists in original text, but Row=3 not, than Row=4 will NOT be 
 * replaced by Row=5)
def replace_inc(String text, int startingIndex, String findTemplate) {
    assert findTemplate.contains('_') : 'search template needs to contain "_" placeholder'
    assert !(findTemplate.replaceFirst('_','').contains('_')) : 'only one "_" placeholder is allowed'
    assert !text.contains('_____') : 'input text should not contain "______" (5 underscores)'
    while (true) {
        findString = findTemplate.replace("_",(startingIndex).toString())
        if (!text.contains(findString)) break;
        replaceString = findTemplate.replace("_", "_____"+(++startingIndex).toString())
        text = text.replaceAll(findString, replaceString)
    return text.replaceAll("_____","") // get rid of '_____' character

// input
findTemplate = 'Row="_"'
path = /C:\TEMP\working_copy.txt/
startingIndex = 0

// do stuff
f = new File(path)
outText = replace_inc(f.text,startingIndex,findTemplate)
println "Results \n: " + outText
f.withWriter { out -> out.println outText }
println "Results written to $f"