[mysql] Check if table exists without using "select from"

This has been my 'go-to' EXISTS procedure that checks both temp and normal tables. This procedure works in MySQL version 5.6 and above. The @DEBUG parameter is optional. The default schema is assumed, but can be concatenated to the table in the @s statement.

drop procedure if exists `prcDoesTableExist`;
delimiter #
CREATE PROCEDURE `prcDoesTableExist`(IN pin_Table varchar(100), OUT pout_TableExists BOOL)
    DECLARE `boolTableExists` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 1;
    DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR 1243, SQLSTATE VALUE '42S02' SET `boolTableExists` := 0;
        SET @s = concat('SELECT null FROM `', pin_Table, '` LIMIT 0 INTO @resultNm');
    PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s;
    EXECUTE stmt1;
    set pout_TableExists = `boolTableExists`; -- Set output variable
    IF @DEBUG then
        select IF(`boolTableExists`
            , CONCAT('TABLE `', pin_Table, '` exists: ', pout_TableExists)
            , CONCAT('TABLE `', pin_Table, '` does not exist: ', pout_TableExists)
        ) as result;
    END IF;
delimiter ;

Here is the example call statement with @debug on:

set @DEBUG = true;
call prcDoesTableExist('tempTable', @tblExists);
select @tblExists as '@tblExists';

The variable @tblExists returns a boolean.