Trying to answer in simple way:
char * const a; => a is (const) constant (*) pointer of type char {L <- R}. =>( Constant Pointer )
const char * a; => a is (*) pointer to char constant {L <- R}. =>( Pointer to Constant)
Constant Pointer:
pointer is constant !!. i.e, the address it is holding can't be changed. It will be stored in read only memory.
Let's try to change the address of pointer to understand more:
char * const a = &b;
char c;
a = &c; // illegal , you can't change the address. `a` is const at L-value, so can't change. `a` is read-only variable.
It means once constant pointer points some thing it is forever.
pointer a
points only b
However you can change the value of b
char b='a';
char * const a =&b;
printf("\n print a : [%c]\n",*a);
*a = 'c';
printf("\n now print a : [%c]\n",*a);
Pointer to Constant:
Value pointed by the pointer can't be changed.
const char *a;
char b = 'b';
const char * a =&b;
char c;
a=&c; //legal
*a = 'c'; // illegal , *a is pointer to constant can't change!.