[json] Convert Pandas DataFrame to JSON format

I have a Pandas DataFrame with two columns – one with the filename and one with the hour in which it was generated:

 File       Hour
  F1         1
  F1         2
  F2         1
  F3         1

I am trying to convert it to a JSON file with the following format:


When I use the command DataFrame.to_json(orient = "records"), I get the records in the below format:


I'm just wondering whether there is an option to get the JSON file in the desired format. Any help would be appreciated.

This question is related to json pandas dataframe

The answer is

use this formula to convert a pandas DataFrame to a list of dictionaries :

import json
json_list = json.loads(json.dumps(list(DataFrame.T.to_dict().values())))

In newer versions of pandas (0.20.0+, I believe), this can be done directly:

df.to_json('temp.json', orient='records', lines=True)

Direct compression is also possible:

df.to_json('temp.json.gz', orient='records', lines=True, compression='gzip')

Try this one:


To transform a dataFrame in a real json (not a string) I use:

    from io import StringIO
    import json
    import DataFrame

    #df is your DataFrame

convert data-frame to list of dictionary

list_dict = []

for index, row in list(df.iterrows()):

save file

with open("output.json", mode) as f:
    f.write("\n".join(str(item) for item in list_dict))

instead of using dataframe.to_json(orient = “records”) use dataframe.to_json(orient = “index”) my above code convert the dataframe into json format of dict like {index -> {column -> value}}

Here is small utility class that converts JSON to DataFrame and back: Hope you find this helpful.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

class DFConverter:

    #Converts the input JSON to a DataFrame
    def convertToDF(self,dfJSON):

    #Converts the input DataFrame to JSON 
    def convertToJSON(self, df):
        resultJSON = df.to_json(orient='records')

I think what the OP is looking for is:

with open('temp.json', 'w') as f:
    f.write(df.to_json(orient='records', lines=True))

This should do the trick.

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