[php] isset PHP isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : ''

If you want an empty string default then a preferred way is one of these (depending on your need):

$str_value = strval($_GET['something']);
$trimmed_value = trim($_GET['something']);
$int_value = intval($_GET['somenumber']);

If the url parameter something doesn't exist in the url then $_GET['something'] will return null

strval($_GET['something']) -> strval(null) -> ""

and your variable $value is set to an empty string.

  • trim() might be prefered over strval() depending on code (e.g. a Name parameter might want to use it)
  • intval() if only numeric values are expected and the default is zero. intval(null) -> 0

Cases to consider:

...&something=value1&key2=value2 (typical)

...&key2=value2 (parameter missing from url $_GET will return null for it)

...&something=+++&key2=value (parameter is " ")

Why this is a preferred approach:

  • It fits neatly on one line and is clear what's going on.
  • It's readable than $value = isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : '';
  • Lower risk of copy/paste mistake or a typo: $value=isset($_GET['something'])?$_GET['somthing']:'';
  • It's compatible with older and newer php.

Update Strict mode may require something like this:

$str_value = strval(@$_GET['something']);
$trimmed_value = trim(@$_GET['something']);
$int_value = intval(@$_GET['somenumber']);