[android] PANIC: Broken AVD system path. Check your ANDROID_SDK_ROOT value

ANDROID_SDK_HOME is a pointer to the root of your ".android" file, which by default is created at "C:\Users\name\.android", and NOT to the root of your SDK folder. Then: - Assign ANDROID_SDK_HOME to the SDK root folder will not work. - If the path of your ".android" file has non-ASCII characters, it will not work. - The AVD folder must be inside of your current ".android" file.

So the answer is this:

  • Change your SDK folder, if you need, like the previous answers (inside the project on Android Studio).
  • Close Android Studio.
  • Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables.
  • Add a new User variable: Variable Name: ANDROID_SDK_HOME Variable Value: C:\src (or any folder that has not problems with non-ASCII characters or S.O. privileges) THE PATH THAT YOU WILL ENTER CANNOT BE ROOT FOLDER OF YOUR ANDROID SDK!!!
  • Open Android Studio. Make sure a folder called ".android" was created in your new location.
  • Delete the Android Virtual Device (AVD) that you created.
  • Close and open Android Studio.
  • Create a new AVD and see the magic happens.
