[bash] How do I use floating-point division in bash?

While you can't use floating point division in Bash you can use fixed point division. All that you need to do is multiply your integers by a power of 10 and then divide off the integer part and use a modulo operation to get the fractional part. Rounding as needed.



# because of rounding this should be 10^{i+1}
# where i is the number of decimal digits wanted
Pn=$(($P / 10))
# here we 'fix' the decimal place, divide and round tward zero
t=$(($n * $P / $d + ($n < 0 ? -5 : 5)))
# then we print the number by dividing off the interger part and
# using the modulo operator (after removing the rounding digit) to get the factional part.
printf "%d.%0${i}d\n" $(($t / $P)) $(((t < 0 ? -t : t) / 10 % $Pn))