This error can occur if trying to grant privileges for a non-existing user.
It is not clear to me what MySQL considers a non-existing user. But I suspect MySQL considers a user to exist if it can be found by a name (column User
) and a host (column Host
) in the user
If trying to grant privileges to a user that can be found with his name (column User
) but not by his name and host (columns User
and Host
), and not provide a password, then the error occurs.
For example, the following statement triggers the error:
grant all privileges on mydb.* to myuser@'';
This is because, with no password being specified, MySQL cannot create a new user, and thus tries to find an existing user. But no user with the name myuser
and the host
can be found in the user
Whereas providing a password, allows the statement to be executed successfully:
grant all privileges on mydb.* to myuser@'' identified by 'mypassword';
Make sure to reuse the same password of that user you consider exists, if that new "MySQL user" is the same "application user".
Complete the operation by flushing the privileges:
flush privileges;