Here is my solution similar to some others can wrap a function, but allows you to get the functions return value, if it suceeds.
* Wraps a function with retry logic allowing exceptions to be caught and retires made.
* @param function the function to retry
* @param maxRetries maximum number of retires before failing
* @param delay time to wait between each retry
* @param allowedExceptionTypes exception types where if caught a retry will be performed
* @param <V> return type of the function
* @return the value returned by the function if successful
* @throws Exception Either an unexpected exception from the function or a {@link RuntimeException} if maxRetries is exceeded
public static <V> V runWithRetriesAndDelay(Callable<V> function, int maxRetries, Duration delay, Class<? extends Exception>... allowedExceptionTypes) throws Exception {
final Set<Class<? extends Exception>> exceptions = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(allowedExceptionTypes));
for(int i = 1; i <= maxRetries; i++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// An exception of an expected type
System.out.println("Attempt [" + i + "/" + maxRetries + "] Caught exception [" + e.getClass() + "]");
// Pause for the delay time
}else {
// An unexpected exception type
throw e;
throw new RuntimeException(maxRetries + " retries exceeded");