[python] Construct pandas DataFrame from items in nested dictionary

Suppose I have a nested dictionary 'user_dict' with structure:

  • Level 1: UserId (Long Integer)
  • Level 2: Category (String)
  • Level 3: Assorted Attributes (floats, ints, etc..)

For example, an entry of this dictionary would be:

user_dict[12] = {
    "Category 1": {"att_1": 1, 
                   "att_2": "whatever"},
    "Category 2": {"att_1": 23, 
                   "att_2": "another"}}

each item in user_dict has the same structure and user_dict contains a large number of items which I want to feed to a pandas DataFrame, constructing the series from the attributes. In this case a hierarchical index would be useful for the purpose.

Specifically, my question is whether there exists a way to to help the DataFrame constructor understand that the series should be built from the values of the "level 3" in the dictionary?

If I try something like:

df = pandas.DataFrame(users_summary)

The items in "level 1" (the UserId's) are taken as columns, which is the opposite of what I want to achieve (have UserId's as index).

I know I could construct the series after iterating over the dictionary entries, but if there is a more direct way this would be very useful. A similar question would be asking whether it is possible to construct a pandas DataFrame from json objects listed in a file.

This question is related to python pandas dataframe multi-index

The answer is

Building on verified answer, for me this worked best:

ab = pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in data.items()}, axis=0)

pd.concat accepts a dictionary. With this in mind, it is possible to improve upon the currently accepted answer in terms of simplicity and performance by use a dictionary comprehension to build a dictionary mapping keys to sub-frames.

pd.concat({k: pd.DataFrame(v).T for k, v in user_dict.items()}, axis=0)


        k: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(v, 'index') for k, v in user_dict.items()

              att_1     att_2
12 Category 1     1  whatever
   Category 2    23   another
15 Category 1    10       foo
   Category 2    30       bar

In case someone wants to get the data frame in a "long format" (leaf values have the same type) without multiindex, you can do this:

        (level1, level2, level3, leaf)
        for level1, level2_dict in user_dict.items()
        for level2, level3_dict in level2_dict.items()
        for level3, leaf in level3_dict.items()
    columns=['UserId', 'Category', 'Attribute', 'value']

    UserId    Category Attribute     value
0       12  Category 1     att_1         1
1       12  Category 1     att_2  whatever
2       12  Category 2     att_1        23
3       12  Category 2     att_2   another
4       15  Category 1     att_1        10
5       15  Category 1     att_2       foo
6       15  Category 2     att_1        30
7       15  Category 2     att_2       bar

(I know the original question probably wants (I.) to have Levels 1 and 2 as multiindex and Level 3 as columns and (II.) asks about other ways than iteration over values in the dict. But I hope this answer is still relevant and useful (I.): to people like me who have tried to find a way to get the nested dict into this shape and google only returns this question and (II.): because other answers involve some iteration as well and I find this approach flexible and easy to read; not sure about performance, though.)

So I used to use a for loop for iterating through the dictionary as well, but one thing I've found that works much faster is to convert to a panel and then to a dataframe. Say you have a dictionary d

import pandas as pd
{'RAY Index': {datetime.date(2014, 11, 3): {'PX_LAST': 1199.46,
'PX_OPEN': 1200.14},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 4): {'PX_LAST': 1195.323, 'PX_OPEN': 1197.69},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 5): {'PX_LAST': 1200.936, 'PX_OPEN': 1195.32},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 6): {'PX_LAST': 1206.061, 'PX_OPEN': 1200.62}},
'SPX Index': {datetime.date(2014, 11, 3): {'PX_LAST': 2017.81,
'PX_OPEN': 2018.21},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 4): {'PX_LAST': 2012.1, 'PX_OPEN': 2015.81},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 5): {'PX_LAST': 2023.57, 'PX_OPEN': 2015.29},
datetime.date(2014, 11, 6): {'PX_LAST': 2031.21, 'PX_OPEN': 2023.33}}}

The command

<class 'pandas.core.panel.Panel'>
Dimensions: 2 (items) x 2 (major_axis) x 4 (minor_axis)
Items axis: RAY Index to SPX Index
Major_axis axis: PX_LAST to PX_OPEN
Minor_axis axis: 2014-11-03 to 2014-11-06

where pd.Panel(d)[item] yields a dataframe

pd.Panel(d)['SPX Index']
2014-11-03  2014-11-04  2014-11-05 2014-11-06
PX_LAST 2017.81 2012.10 2023.57 2031.21
PX_OPEN 2018.21 2015.81 2015.29 2023.33

You can then hit the command to_frame() to turn it into a dataframe. I use reset_index as well to turn the major and minor axis into columns rather than have them as indices.

major   minor      RAY Index    SPX Index
PX_LAST 2014-11-03  1199.460    2017.81
PX_LAST 2014-11-04  1195.323    2012.10
PX_LAST 2014-11-05  1200.936    2023.57
PX_LAST 2014-11-06  1206.061    2031.21
PX_OPEN 2014-11-03  1200.140    2018.21
PX_OPEN 2014-11-04  1197.690    2015.81
PX_OPEN 2014-11-05  1195.320    2015.29
PX_OPEN 2014-11-06  1200.620    2023.33

Finally, if you don't like the way the frame looks you can use the transpose function of panel to change the appearance before calling to_frame() see documentation here http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/dev/generated/pandas.Panel.transpose.html

Just as an example

major        minor  2014-11-03  2014-11-04  2014-11-05  2014-11-06
RAY Index   PX_LAST 1199.46    1195.323     1200.936    1206.061
RAY Index   PX_OPEN 1200.14    1197.690     1195.320    1200.620
SPX Index   PX_LAST 2017.81    2012.100     2023.570    2031.210
SPX Index   PX_OPEN 2018.21    2015.810     2015.290    2023.330

Hope this helps.

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