You can load the text file into a textfile Hive table and then insert the data from this table into your sequencefile.
Start with a tab delimited file:
% cat /tmp/input.txt
a b
a2 b2
create a sequence file
hive> create table test_sq(k string, v string) stored as sequencefile;
try to load; as expected, this will fail:
hive> load data local inpath '/tmp/input.txt' into table test_sq;
But with this table:
hive> create table test_t(k string, v string) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t' stored as textfile;
The load works just fine:
hive> load data local inpath '/tmp/input.txt' into table test_t;
hive> select * from test_t;
a b
a2 b2
Now load into the sequence table from the text table:
insert into table test_sq select * from test_t;
Can also do load/insert with overwrite to replace all.