The main concept behind all this methods is Function burrowing.
Function borrowing allows us to use the methods of one object on a different object without having to make a copy of that method and maintain it in two separate places. It is accomplished through the use of . call() , . apply() , or . bind() , all of which exist to explicitly set this on the method we are borrowing
Below is an example of all this methods
let name = {
firstname : "Arham",
lastname : "Chowdhury",
printFullName = function(hometown,company){
console.log(this.firstname + " " + this.lastname +", " + hometown + ", " + company)
the first argument e.g name inside call method is always a reference to (this) variable and latter will be function variable,"Mumbai","Taufa"); //Arham Chowdhury, Mumbai, Taufa
apply method is same as the call method the only diff is that, the function arguments are passed in Array list
printFullName.apply(name, ["Mumbai","Taufa"]); //Arham Chowdhury, Mumbai, Taufa
bind method is same as call except that ,the bind returns a function that can be used later by invoking it (does'nt call it immediately)
let printMyNAme = printFullName.bind(name,"Mumbai","Taufa");
printMyNAme(); //Arham Chowdhury, Mumbai, Taufa
printMyNAme() is the function which invokes the function
below is the link for jsfiddle