First, you may want to install glances:
sudo apt-get install python-pip build-essential python-dev lm-sensors
sudo pip install psutil logutils bottle batinfo zeroconf netifaces pymdstat influxdb elasticsearch potsdb statsd pystache docker-py pysnmp pika py-cpuinfo bernhard
sudo pip install glances
Then run it in the terminal!
In your Python code, add at the begin of the file, the following:
import os
import gc # Garbage Collector
After using the "Big" variable (for example: myBigVar) for which, you would like to release memory, write in your python code the following:
del myBigVar
In another terminal, run your python code and observe in the "glances" terminal, how the memory is managed in your system!
Good luck!
P.S. I assume you are working on a Debian or Ubuntu system