[python] Clone an image in cv2 python

I'm new to opencv, here is a question, what is the python function which act the same as cv::clone() in cpp? I just try to get a rect by

    rectImg = img[10:20, 10:20]

but when I draw a line on it ,I find the line appear both on img and the rectImage,so , how can I get this done?

This question is related to python opencv

The answer is

My favorite method uses cv2.copyMakeBorder with no border, like so.

copy = cv2.copyMakeBorder(original,0,0,0,0,cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE)

You can simply use Python standard library. Make a shallow copy of the original image as follows:

import copy

original_img = cv2.imread("foo.jpg")
clone_img = copy.copy(original_img)

Using python 3 and opencv-python version 4.4.0, the following code should work:

img_src = cv2.imread('image.png')
img_clone = img_src.copy()

The first answer is correct but you say that you are using cv2 which inherently uses numpy arrays. So, to make a complete different copy of say "myImage":

newImage = myImage.copy()

The above is enough. No need to import numpy.