[shell] Reading file line by line (with space) in Unix Shell scripting - Issue

I want to read a file line by line in Unix shell scripting. Line can contain leading and trailing spaces and i want to read those spaces also in the line. I tried with "while read line" but read command is removing space characters from line :( Example if line in file are:-

abcd efghijk
 abcdefg hijk

line should be read as:- 1) "abcd efghijk" 2) " abcdefg hijk"

What I tried is this (which not worked):-

while read line
   echo $line
done < file.txt

I want line including space and tab characters in it. Please suggest a way.

This question is related to shell unix ksh

The answer is

Try this,

while read line
    echo $line
done < file.txt


From man bash

IFS - The Internal Field Separator that is used for word
splitting after expansion and to split lines into words
with  the  read  builtin  command. The default value is

You want to read raw lines to avoid problems with backslashes in the input (use -r):

while read -r line; do
   printf "<%s>\n" "$line"
done < file.txt

This will keep whitespace within the line, but removes leading and trailing whitespace. To keep those as well, set the IFS empty, as in

while IFS= read -r line; do
   printf "%s\n" "$line"
done < file.txt

This now is an equivalent of cat < file.txt as long as file.txt ends with a newline.

Note that you must double quote "$line" in order to keep word splitting from splitting the line into separate words--thus losing multiple whitespace sequences.

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