[.net] Decoding and verifying JWT token using System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt

I am just wondering why to use some libraries for JWT token decoding and verification at all.

Encoded JWT token can be created using following pseudocode

var headers = base64URLencode(myHeaders);
var claims = base64URLencode(myClaims);
var payload = header + "." + claims;

var signature = base64URLencode(HMACSHA256(payload, secret));

var encodedJWT = payload + "." + signature;

It is very easy to do without any specific library. Using following code:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

public class Program
    // More info: https://stormpath.com/blog/jwt-the-right-way/
    public static void Main()
        var header = "{\"typ\":\"JWT\",\"alg\":\"HS256\"}";
        var claims = "{\"sub\":\"1047986\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"given_name\":\"John\",\"family_name\":\"Doe\",\"primarysid\":\"b521a2af99bfdc65e04010ac1d046ff5\",\"iss\":\"http://example.com\",\"aud\":\"myapp\",\"exp\":1460555281,\"nbf\":1457963281}";

        var b64header = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(header))
            .Replace('+', '-')
            .Replace('/', '_')
            .Replace("=", "");
        var b64claims = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(claims))
            .Replace('+', '-')
            .Replace('/', '_')
            .Replace("=", "");

        var payload = b64header + "." + b64claims;
        Console.WriteLine("JWT without sig:    " + payload);

        byte[] key = Convert.FromBase64String("mPorwQB8kMDNQeeYO35KOrMMFn6rFVmbIohBphJPnp4=");
        byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);

        string sig = Convert.ToBase64String(HashHMAC(key, message))
            .Replace('+', '-')
            .Replace('/', '_')
            .Replace("=", "");

        Console.WriteLine("JWT with signature: " + payload + "." + sig);        

    private static byte[] HashHMAC(byte[] key, byte[] message)
        var hash = new HMACSHA256(key);
        return hash.ComputeHash(message);

The token decoding is reversed version of the code above.To verify the signature you will need to the same and compare signature part with calculated signature.

UPDATE: For those how are struggling how to do base64 urlsafe encoding/decoding please see another SO question, and also wiki and RFCs

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