[javascript] How do I toggle an element's class in pure JavaScript?

I'm looking for a way to convert this jQuery code (which is used in responsive menu section) to pure JavaScript.

If it's hard to implement it's OK to use other JavaScript frameworks.


    if (typeof masonryGallery != 'undefined') 

This question is related to javascript dom toggle

The answer is

Try this (hopefully it will work):

// mixin (functionality) for toggle class 
function hasClass(ele, clsName) {
    var el = ele.className;
    el = el.split(' ');
    if(el.indexOf(clsName) > -1){
        var cIndex = el.indexOf(clsName);
        el.splice(cIndex, 1);
        ele.className = " ";
        el.forEach(function(item, index){
          ele.className += " " + item;
    else {
        ele.className = " ";
        el.forEach(function(item, index){
          ele.className += " " + item;

// get all DOM element that we need for interactivity.

var btnNavbar =  document.getElementsByClassName('btn-navbar')[0];
var containerFluid =  document.querySelector('.container-fluid:first');
var menu = document.getElementById('menu');

// on button click job
btnNavbar.addEventListener('click', function(){
    hasClass(containerFluid, 'menu-hidden');
    hasClass(menu, 'hidden-phone');
})`enter code here`

I know that I am late but, I happen to see this and I have a suggestion.. For those looking for cross-browser support, I wouldn't recommend class toggling via JS. It may be a little more work but it is more supported through all browsers.

document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener('click', themeswitch);

function themeswitch() {
  const Body = document.body
  if (Body.style.backgroundColor === 'white') {
    Body.style.backgroundColor = 'black';
  } else {
    Body.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
body {
  background: white;
<button id="myButton">Switch</button>

2014 answer: classList.toggle() is the standard and supported by most browsers.

Older browsers can use use classlist.js for classList.toggle():

var menu = document.querySelector('.menu') // Using a class instead, see note below.

As an aside, you shouldn't be using IDs (they leak globals into the JS window object).

This is perhaps more succinct:

function toggle(element, klass) {
  var classes = element.className.match(/\S+/g) || [],
      index = classes.indexOf(klass);

  index >= 0 ? classes.splice(index, 1) : classes.push(klass);
  element.className = classes.join(' ');

don't need regex just use classlist

var id=document.getElementById('myButton');

function toggle(el,classname){




<button id="myButton">Switch</button>

Simple Usage above Example

var id=document.getElementById('myButton');

function toggle(el,classname){




<button id="myButton">Switch</button>

This one works in earlier versions of IE also.

function toogleClass(ele, class1) {_x000D_
  var classes = ele.className;_x000D_
  var regex = new RegExp('\\b' + class1 + '\\b');_x000D_
  var hasOne = classes.match(regex);_x000D_
  class1 = class1.replace(/\s+/g, '');_x000D_
  if (hasOne)_x000D_
    ele.className = classes.replace(regex, '');_x000D_
    ele.className = classes + class1;_x000D_
.red {_x000D_
  background-color: red_x000D_
div {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 10px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
<div class="does red redAnother " onclick="toogleClass(this, 'red')"></div>_x000D_
<div class="does collapse navbar-collapse " onclick="toogleClass(this, 'red')"></div>

Here is solution implemented with ES6

const toggleClass = (el, className) => el.classList.toggle(className);

usage example

toggleClass(document.querySelector('div.active'), 'active'); // The div container will not have the 'active' class anymore

Take a look at this example: JS Fiddle

function toggleClass(element, className){
    if (!element || !className){

    var classString = element.className, nameIndex = classString.indexOf(className);
    if (nameIndex == -1) {
        classString += ' ' + className;
    else {
        classString = classString.substr(0, nameIndex) + classString.substr(nameIndex+className.length);
    element.className = classString;

Here is a code for IE >= 9 by using split(" ") on the className :

function toggleClass(element, className) {
    var arrayClass = element.className.split(" ");
    var index = arrayClass.indexOf(className);

    if (index === -1) {
        if (element.className !== "") {
            element.className += ' '
        element.className += className;
    } else {
        arrayClass.splice(index, 1);
        element.className = "";
        for (var i = 0; i < arrayClass.length; i++) {
            element.className += arrayClass[i];
            if (i < arrayClass.length - 1) {
                element.className += " ";

If you want to toggle a class to an element using native solution, you could try this suggestion. I have tasted it in different cases, with or without other classes onto the element, and I think it works pretty much:

(function(objSelector, objClass){
      o.addEventListener('click', function(e){
        var $this = e.target,
            klass = $this.className,
            findClass = new RegExp('\\b\\s*' + objClass + '\\S*\\s?', 'g');

        if( !findClass.test( $this.className ) )
            if( klass ) 
                $this.className = klass + ' ' + objClass;
                $this.setAttribute('class', objClass);
            klass = klass.replace( findClass, '' );
            if(klass) $this.className = klass;
            else $this.removeAttribute('class');
})('.yourElemetnSelector', 'yourClass');

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