[python] python catch exception and continue try block

one way you could handle this is with a generator. Instead of calling the function, yield it; then whatever is consuming the generator can send the result of calling it back into the generator, or a sentinel if the generator failed: The trampoline that accomplishes the above might look like so:

def consume_exceptions(gen):
    action = next(gen)
    while True:
            result = action()
        except Exception:
            # if the action fails, send a sentinel
            result = None

            action = gen.send(result)
        except StopIteration:
            # if the generator is all used up, result is the return value.
            return result

a generator that would be compatible with this would look like this:

def do_smth1():
    1 / 0

def do_smth2():
    print "YAY"

def do_many_things():
    a = yield do_smth1
    b = yield do_smth2
    yield "Done"
>>> consume_exceptions(do_many_things())

Note that do_many_things() does not call do_smth*, it just yields them, and consume_exceptions calls them on its behalf