[php] Simple PHP calculator

I'm creating a basic PHP calculator that lets you enter two values and chose your operator then displays the answer. Everything is working fine except it's not outputting the answer to the browser.

Here are the codes for my html and PHP files:

<meta charset="utf-8">
<form method="post" attribute="post" action="disp_form.php">
<p>First Value:<br/>
<input type="text" id="first" name="first"></p>
<p>Second Value:<br/>
<input type="text" id="second" name="second"></p>
<input type="radio" name="group1" id="add" value="add" checked="true"><p>+</p><br/>
<input type="radio" name="group1" id="subtract" value="subtract"><p>-</p><br/>
<input type="radio" name="group1" id="times" value="times"><p>x</p><br/>
<input type="radio" name="group1" id="divide" value="divide"><p>/</p><br/>
<button type="submit" name="answer" id="answer" value="answer">Calculate</button>

PHP file:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p>The answer is: 
if($_POST['group1'] == add) {
echo "$first + $second";
else if($_POST['group1'] == subtract) {
echo "$first - $second";
else if($_POST['group1'] == times) {
echo "$first * $second";
else($_POST['group1'] == divide) {
echo "$first / $second";

This question is related to php calculator

The answer is

$result = "";
class calculator
    var $a;
    var $b;

    function checkopration($oprator)
            case '+':
            return $this->a + $this->b;

            case '-':
            return $this->a - $this->b;

            case '*':
            return $this->a * $this->b;

            case '/':
            return $this->a / $this->b;

            return "Sorry No command found";
    function getresult($a, $b, $c)
        $this->a = $a;
        $this->b = $b;
        return $this->checkopration($c);

$cal = new calculator();
    $result = $cal->getresult($_POST['n1'],$_POST['n2'],$_POST['op']);

<form method="post">
<table align="center">
        <td><strong><?php echo $result; ?><strong></td>
        <td>Enter 1st Number</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="n1"></td>

        <td>Enter 2nd Number</td>
        <td><input type="text" name="n2"></td>

        <td>Select Oprator</td>
        <td><select name="op">
            <option value="+">+</option>
            <option value="-">-</option>
            <option value="*">*</option>
            <option value="/">/</option>

        <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="                =                "></td>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
        <meta charset="utf-8">

    <form method="GET">
    <p>This is a calculator made by Hau Teen Yee Fabrice and is free to use.</p>
     <ol> Multiplication: * </ol>
     <ol> Substraction: - </ol>
     <ol> Division: / </ol>
     <ol> Addition: + </ol>
     <p>Enter first number:</p>
        <input type="text" name="cal1">
        <p>Enter second number:</p>
        <input type="text" name="cal2">
        <p>Enter the calculator symbol</p>
        <input type="text" name="symbol">
    $cal1= $_GET['cal1'];
    $cal2= $_GET['cal2'];
    $symbol =$_GET['symbol'];

    if($symbol == '+')
        $add = $cal1 + $cal2;
        echo "Addition is:".$add;
    else if($symbol == '-')
        $subs = $cal1 - $cal2;
        echo "Substraction is:".$subs;
     else if($symbol == '*')
        $mul = $cal1 * $cal2;
        echo "Multiply is:".$mul;
    else if($symbol == '/')
        $div = $cal1 / $cal2;
        echo "Division is:".$div;
        echo "Oops ,something wrong in your code son";

$cal1= $_GET['cal1'];
$cal2= $_GET['cal2'];
$symbol =$_GET['symbol'];

if($symbol == '+')
    $add = $cal1 + $cal2;
    echo "Addition is:".$add;

else if($symbol == '-')
    $subs = $cal1 - $cal2;
    echo "Substraction is:".$subs;

 else if($symbol == '*')
    $mul = $cal1 * $cal2;
    echo "Multiply is:".$mul;

else if($symbol == '/')
    $div = $cal1 / $cal2;
    echo "Division is:".$div;


    echo "Oops ,something wrong in your code son";


You also need to put the [== 'add'] math operation into quotes

if($_POST['group1'] == 'add') {
echo $first + $second;

complete code schould look like that :

$first = $_POST['first'];
$second= $_POST['second'];
if($_POST['group1'] == 'add') {
echo $first + $second;
else if($_POST['group1'] == 'subtract') {
echo $first - $second;
else if($_POST['group1'] == 'times') {
echo $first * $second;
else if($_POST['group1'] == 'divide') {
echo $first / $second;

$first = doubleval($_POST['first']);
$second = doubleval($_POST['second']);

if($_POST['group1'] == 'add') {
    echo "$first + $second = ".($first + $second);

// etc

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
    HTML Code is here:

         <form method="post">
            <input type="text" name="numb1">
            <input type="text" name="numb2">
            <select name="operator" id="">
            <button type="submit" name="submit" value="submit">Calculate</button>

    PHP Code:


            if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                $result1 = $_POST['numb1'];
                $result2 = $_POST['numb2'];
                $operator = $_POST['operator'];
                switch ($operator) {
                    case 'None':
                        echo "You need to select any operator";
                    case 'Add':
                        echo $result1 + $result2;
                    case 'Subtract':
                        echo $result1 - $result2;
                    case 'Multiply':
                        echo $result1 * $result2;
                    case 'Divide':
                        echo $result1 / $result2;
                    case 'Square':
                        echo $result1 ** $result2;

        enter code here


Check string using single quotes

Ex. $_POST['group1'] == 'add'

Make this changes in php file

<meta charset="utf-8">
<p>The answer is: 
$first = $_POST['first'];
$second= $_POST['second'];
if($_POST['group1'] == 'add') {
echo $first + $second;
else if($_POST['group1'] == 'subtract') {
echo $first - $second;
else if($_POST['group1'] == 'times') {
echo $first * $second;

else if($_POST['group1'] == 'divide') {
echo $first / $second;
else {
    echo "Enter the numbers properly";

You need to assign $first and $second

$first = $_POST['first'];
$second= $_POST['second'];

Also, As Travesty3 said, you need to do your arithmetic outside of the quotes:

echo $first + $second;

Personally I would do a switch instead of all this if, else if, else

$first = $_POST['first'] + 0;//a small "hack" to make sure its an int but allow negs!!
$second= $_POST['second'] + 0;
$operator = $_POST["group1"];
    case "add"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first + $second;
    case "subtract"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first - $second;
    case "times"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first * $second;
    case "divide"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first / $second;

You need to get the values the same way to get the calculator operation which looks like:

if($_POST['group1'] == add) {
echo "$_POST['first']+ $_POST['second'];
... and so on

Or, to make it easier, just do:

    <!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<p>The answer is: 
$first = $_POST['first'];
$second= $_POST['second'];

if($_POST['group1'] == add) {
echo "$first + $second";
else if($_POST['group1'] == subtract) {
echo "$first - $second";
else if($_POST['group1'] == times) {
echo "$first * $second";
else($_POST['group1'] == divide) {
echo "$first / $second";