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How to order results with findBy() in Doctrine

$ens = $em->getRepository('AcmeBinBundle:Marks')
                 array('id' => 'ASC')

How to convert SQL Query result to PANDAS Data Structure?

Here's the code I use. Hope this helps.

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

def getData():
  # Parameters
  ServerName = "my_server"
  Database = "my_db"
  UserPwd = "user:pwd"
  Driver = "driver=SQL Server Native Client 11.0"

  # Create the connection
  engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://' + UserPwd + '@' + ServerName + '/' + Database + "?" + Driver)

  sql = "select * from mytable"
  df = pd.read_sql(sql, engine)
  return df

df2 = getData()

Jackson JSON custom serialization for certain fields

Add a @JsonProperty annotated getter, which returns a String, for the favoriteNumber field:

public class Person {
    public String name;
    public int age;
    private int favoriteNumber;

    public Person(String name, int age, int favoriteNumber) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.favoriteNumber = favoriteNumber;

    public String getFavoriteNumber() {
        return String.valueOf(favoriteNumber);

    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
        Person p = new Person("Joe", 25, 123);
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        // {"name":"Joe","age":25,"favoriteNumber":"123"}

Difference between document.addEventListener and window.addEventListener?

The window binding refers to a built-in object provided by the browser. It represents the browser window that contains the document. Calling its addEventListener method registers the second argument (callback function) to be called whenever the event described by its first argument occurs.

<p>Some paragraph.</p>
  window.addEventListener("click", () => {

Following points should be noted before select window or document to addEventListners

  1. Most of the events are same for window or document but some events like resize, and other events related to loading, unloading, and opening/closing should all be set on the window.
  2. Since window has the document it is good practice to use document to handle (if it can handle) since event will hit document first.
  3. Internet Explorer doesn't respond to many events registered on the window,so you will need to use document for registering event.

Jquery Chosen plugin - dynamically populate list by Ajax

The solution of @Ashivad mostly fixed my problem, but I needed to make this one-line addition to prevent the input to be erased after the results dropdown is displayed:

in success callback of the autocomplete added this line after triggering chosen:updated:


Complete listing:

var $combosearch = $('[data-combosearch]');
if (!$combosearch.length) {

var options = $'options');
console.log('combosearch', $combosearch, options);

  no_results_text: "Oops, nothing found!",
  width: "60%"

// actual chosen container
var $combosearchChosen = $;

  source: function( request, response ) {
      url: options.remote_source + "&query=" + request.term,
      dataType: "json",
      beforeSend: function(){
      success: function( data ) {
        response( $.map( data, function( item, index ) {
          $combosearch.append('<option value="' + + '">' + item.label + '</option>');

How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)

Added more complex example with "custom validation" on the side of controller

<div class='line' ng-repeat='line in ranges' ng-form='lineForm'>
    low: <input type='text' 
                ng-change="lowChanged(this, $index)" ng-model='line.low' />
    up: <input type='text' 
                ng-change="upChanged(this, $index)" 
                ng-model='line.up' />
    <a href ng-if='!$first' ng-click='removeRange($index)'>Delete</a>
    <div class='error' ng-show='lineForm.$error.pattern'>
        Must be a number.
    <div class='error' ng-show='lineForm.$error.range'>
        Low must be less the Up.

Securely storing passwords for use in python script

I typically have a that is stored separately from my other python scripts and is not under version control. Then whenever required, you can do from secrets import <required_pwd_var>. This way you can rely on the operating systems in-built file security system without re-inventing your own.

Using Base64 encoding/decoding is also another way to obfuscate the password though not completely secure

More here - Hiding a password in a python script (insecure obfuscation only)

Define constant variables in C++ header

You could simply define a series of const ints in a header file:

// Constants.h
#if !defined(MYLIB_CONSTANTS_H)

const int a = 100;
const int b = 0x7f;


This works because in C++ a name at namespace scope (including the global namespace) that is explicitly declared const and not explicitly declared extern has internal linkage, so these variables would not cause duplicate symbols when you link together translation units. Alternatively you could explicitly declare the constants as static.

static const int a = 100;
static const int b = 0x7f;

This is more compatible with C and more readable for people that may not be familiar with C++ linkage rules.

If all the constants are ints then another method you could use is to declare the identifiers as enums.

enum mylib_constants {
    a = 100;
    b = 0x7f;

All of these methods use only a header and allow the declared names to be used as compile time constants. Using extern const int and a separate implementation file prevents the names from being used as compile time constants.

Note that the rule that makes certain constants implicitly internal linkage does apply to pointers, exactly like constants of other types. The tricky thing though is that marking a pointer as const requires syntax a little different that most people use to make variables of other types const. You need to do:

int * const ptr;

to make a constant pointer, so that the rule will apply to it.

Also note that this is one reason I prefer to consistently put const after the type: int const instead of const int. I also put the * next to the variable: i.e. int *ptr; instead of int* ptr; (compare also this discussion).

I like to do these sorts of things because they reflect the general case of how C++ really works. The alternatives (const int, int* p) are just special cased to make some simple things more readable. The problem is that when you step out of those simple cases, the special cased alternatives become actively misleading.

So although the earlier examples show the common usage of const, I would actually recommend people write them like this:

int const a = 100;
int const b = 0x7f;


static int const a = 100;
static int const b = 0x7f;

Razor Views not seeing System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper

I was dealing with this issue after upgrading from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio 2015 After trying most of the advice found in this and other similar SO posts, I finally found the problem. The first part of the fix was to update all of my NuGet stuff to the latest version (you might need to do this in VS13 if you are experiencing the Nuget bug) after, I had to, as you may need to, fix the versions listed in the Views Web.config. This includes:

  1. Fix MVC versions and its child libraries to the new version (expand the References then right click onSytem.Web.MVC then Properties to get your version)
  2. Fix the Razor version.

Mine looked like this:

    <sectionGroup name="system.web.webPages.razor" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorWebSectionGroup, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
      <section name="host" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />
      <section name="pages" type="System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.RazorPagesSection, System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" requirePermission="false" />

    <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
    <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
        <add namespace="System.Web.Optimization"/>
        <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" />

    <add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false" />

      <add path="*" verb="*" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler"/>
      pageParserFilterType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewTypeParserFilter, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
      pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"
      userControlBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35">
        <add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" namespace="System.Web.Mvc" tagPrefix="mvc" />

    <validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

      <remove name="BlockViewHandler"/>
      <add name="BlockViewHandler" path="*" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.HttpNotFoundHandler" />

Java - Getting Data from MySQL database

Easy Java method to get data from MySQL table:


String Data(String query){
    String get=null;

Connection con = (Connection)DriverManager.getConnection
Statement stmt = (Statement) con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(query);
if (
get = rs.getString("");

catch(Exception e){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, e.getMessage());
    return get;

Find Active Tab using jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap

Here is the answer for those of you who need a Boostrap 3 solution.

In bootstrap 3 use '' instead of 'shown' in the next line

// tab
$('#rowTab a:first').tab('show');

$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {
//show selected tab / active
 console.log ( $('id') );

Dump all tables in CSV format using 'mysqldump'

This worked well for me:

mysqldump <DBNAME> --fields-terminated-by ',' \
--fields-enclosed-by '"' --fields-escaped-by '\' \
--no-create-info --tab /var/lib/mysql-files/

Or if you want to only dump a specific table:

mysqldump <DBNAME> <TABLENAME> --fields-terminated-by ',' \
--fields-enclosed-by '"' --fields-escaped-by '\' \
--no-create-info --tab /var/lib/mysql-files/

I'm dumping to /var/lib/mysql-files/ to avoid this error:

mysqldump: Got error: 1290: The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement when executing 'SELECT INTO OUTFILE'

Custom sort function in ng-repeat

Actually the orderBy filter can take as a parameter not only a string but also a function. From the orderBy documentation:

function: Getter function. The result of this function will be sorted using the <, =, > operator.

So, you could write your own function. For example, if you would like to compare cards based on a sum of opt1 and opt2 (I'm making this up, the point is that you can have any arbitrary function) you would write in your controller:

$scope.myValueFunction = function(card) {
   return card.values.opt1 + card.values.opt2;

and then, in your template:

ng-repeat="card in cards | orderBy:myValueFunction"

Here is the working jsFiddle

The other thing worth noting is that orderBy is just one example of AngularJS filters so if you need a very specific ordering behaviour you could write your own filter (although orderBy should be enough for most uses cases).

Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length?

Yes, this is something that you should worry about. Check the length of your objects with nrow(). R can auto-replicate objects so that they're the same length if they differ, which means you might be performing operations on mismatched data.

In this case you have an obvious flaw in that your subtracting aggregated data from raw data. These will definitely be of different lengths. I suggest that you merge them as time series (using the dates), then locf(), then do your subtraction. Otherwise merge them by truncating the original dates to the same interval as the aggregated series. Just be very careful that you don't drop observations.

Lastly, as some general advice as you get started: look at the result of your computations to see if they make sense. You might even pull them into a spreadsheet and replicate the results.

How to define unidirectional OneToMany relationship in JPA

My bible for JPA work is the Java Persistence wikibook. It has a section on unidirectional OneToMany which explains how to do this with a @JoinColumn annotation. In your case, i think you would want:

private Set<Text> text;

I've used a Set rather than a List, because the data itself is not ordered.

The above is using a defaulted referencedColumnName, unlike the example in the wikibook. If that doesn't work, try an explicit one:

@JoinColumn(name="TXTHEAD_CODE", referencedColumnName="DATREG_META_CODE")
private Set<Text> text;

Export database schema into SQL file

You can generate scripts to a file via SQL Server Management Studio, here are the steps:

  1. Right click the database you want to generate scripts for (not the table) and select tasks - generate scripts
  2. Next, select the requested table/tables, views, stored procedures, etc (from select specific database objects)
  3. Click advanced - select the types of data to script
  4. Click Next and finish

MSDN Generate Scripts

When generating the scripts, there is an area that will allow you to script, constraints, keys, etc. From SQL Server 2008 R2 there is an Advanced Option under scripting:

enter image description here

Is there Unicode glyph Symbol to represent "Search"

Use the ? symbol (encoded as &#9906; or &#x26B2;), and rotate it to achieve the desired effect:

<div style="-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); 
               -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); 
                 -o-transform: rotate(45deg);
                    transform: rotate(45deg);">

It rotates a symbol :)

How can I remove the "No file chosen" tooltip from a file input in Chrome?

you can set a width for yor element which will show only the button and will hide the "no file chosen".

Reading entire html file to String?

I prefers using Guava :

File file = new File("/path/to/file", Charsets.UTF_8);
String content = Files.toString(file);

Load a HTML page within another HTML page

If you are looking for a popup in the page, that is not a new browser window, then I would take a look at the various "LightBox" implementations in Javascript.

Print new output on same line

You can do something such as:

>>> print(''.join(map(str,range(1,11))))

php date validation

Nicolas solution is best. If you want in regex,

try this,

this will validate for, 01/01/1900 through 12/31/2099 Matches invalid dates such as February 31st Accepts dashes, spaces, forward slashes and dots as date separators

(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)[0-9]{2}

from list of integers, get number closest to a given value

>>> takeClosest = lambda num,collection:min(collection,key=lambda x:abs(x-num))
>>> takeClosest(5,[4,1,88,44,3])

A lambda is a special way of writing an "anonymous" function (a function that doesn't have a name). You can assign it any name you want because a lambda is an expression.

The "long" way of writing the the above would be:

def takeClosest(num,collection):
   return min(collection,key=lambda x:abs(x-num))

How do I set the value property in AngularJS' ng-options?

You can use ng-options to achieve select tag binding to value and display members

While using this data source

countries : [
                 "key": 1,
                 "name": "UAE"
                  "key": 2,
                  "name": "India"
                  "key": 3,
                  "name": "OMAN"

you can use the below to bind your select tag to value and name

<select name="text" ng-model="name" ng-options="c.key as for c in countries"></select>

it works great

SQL Server converting varbinary to string

Here is a simple example I wrote to convert and convert back using the 2 convert methods, I also checked it with a fixed string

declare @VB1 VARBINARY(500),@VB2 VARBINARY(500),@VB3 VARBINARY(500)

declare @S1 VARCHAR(500)


SET @S1=CONVERT(varchar(500),@VB1,2)

SET @VB2=CONVERT(varbinary(500),@S1,2)

SET @VB3=CONVERT(varbinary(500),'640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA',2)


IF @VB1=@VB2 PRINT 'They Match(2)'

IF @VB1=@VB3 PRINT 'They Match(3)'

PRINT str(Len(@VB1))

PRINT str(Len(@S1))

PRINT str(Len(@VB2))


SET @S1=CONVERT(varchar(500),@VB1,1)

SET @VB2=CONVERT(varbinary(500),@S1,1)


IF @VB1=@VB2 PRINT 'They Match(1)'

PRINT str(Len(@VB1))

PRINT str(Len(@S1))

PRINT str(Len(@VB2))

and the output

||| 0x640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA|640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA|0x640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA|0x640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA

(1 row(s) affected)

They Match(2)

They Match(3)


|| 0x640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA|0x640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA|0x640AB2BAE07BEDC4C163F679A746F7AB7FB5D1FA

(1 row(s) affected)

They Match(1)


Test if a command outputs an empty string

As mentioned by tripleee in the question comments , use moreutils ifne (if input not empty).

In this case we want ifne -n which negates the test:

ls -A /tmp/empty | ifne -n command-to-run-if-empty-input

The advantage of this over many of the another answers when the output of the initial command is non-empty. ifne will start writing it to STDOUT straight away, rather than buffering the entire output then writing it later, which is important if the initial output is slowly generated or extremely long and would overflow the maximum length of a shell variable.

There are a few utils in moreutils that arguably should be in coreutils -- they're worth checking out if you spend a lot of time living in a shell.

In particular interest to the OP may be dirempty/exists tool which at the time of writing is still under consideration, and has been for some time (it could probably use a bump).

SQL update trigger only when column is modified

You have two way for your question :

1- Use Update Command in your Trigger.

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_SCHEDULE_Modified]
   ON [dbo].[SCHEDULE]
    IF UPDATE (QtyToRepair) 
        SET modified = GETDATE()
           , ModifiedUser = SUSER_NAME()
           , ModifiedHost = HOST_NAME()
        ON S.OrderNo = I.OrderNo and S.PartNumber = I.PartNumber
        WHERE S.QtyToRepair <> I.QtyToRepair

2- Use Join between Inserted table and deleted table

ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_SCHEDULE_Modified]
   ON [dbo].[SCHEDULE]

    SET modified = GETDATE()
       , ModifiedUser = SUSER_NAME()
       , ModifiedHost = HOST_NAME()
    INNER JOIN Inserted I ON S.OrderNo = I.OrderNo and S.PartNumber = I.PartNumber
    INNER JOIN Deleted D ON S.OrderNo = D.OrderNo and S.PartNumber = D.PartNumber                  
    WHERE S.QtyToRepair <> I.QtyToRepair
    AND D.QtyToRepair <> I.QtyToRepair

When you use update command for table SCHEDULE and Set QtyToRepair Column to new value, if new value equal to old value in one or multi row, solution 1 update all updated row in Schedule table but solution 2 update only schedule rows that old value not equal to new value.

load external URL into modal jquery ui dialog

Modals always load the content into an element on the page, which more often than not is a div. Think of this div as the iframe equivalent when it comes to jQuery UI Dialogs. Now it depends on your requirements whether you want static content that resides within the page or you want to fetch the content from some other location. You may use this code and see if it works for you:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="css/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.css"/>



    <p>First open a modal <a href="" class="example"> dialog</a></p>
    <div id="dialog"></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.23.custom.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

//modal window start
    var titletext=$(this).attr("title");
    var openpage=$(this).attr("href");
    $("#dialog").dialog( "option", "title", titletext );
    $("#dialog").dialog( "option", "resizable", false );
    $("#dialog").dialog( "option", "buttons", { 
        "Close": function() { 
    return false;

//modal window end

//Modal Window Initiation start

function showDialog(){
        height: 400,
        width: 500,
        modal: true 


There are, however, a few things which you should keep in mind. You will not be able to load remote URL's on your local system, you need to upload to a server if you want to load remote URL. Even then, you may only load URL's which belong to the same domain; e.g. if you upload this file to '' you may only access files hosted on ''. For loading external links this might help. All this information you will find in the link as suggested by @Robin.

How does strcmp() work?

This is how I implemented my strcmp: it works like this: it compares first letter of the two strings, if it is identical, it continues to the next letter. If not, it returns the corresponding value. It is very simple and easy to understand: #include

//function declaration:
int strcmp(char string1[], char string2[]);

int main()
    char string1[]=" The San Antonio spurs";
    char string2[]=" will be champins again!";
    //calling the function- strcmp
    printf("\n number returned by the strcmp function: %d", strcmp(string1, string2));

/**This function calculates the dictionary value of the string and compares it to another string.
it returns a number bigger than 0 if the first string is bigger than the second
it returns a number smaller than 0 if the second string is bigger than the first
input: string1, string2
output: value- can be 1, 0 or -1 according to the case*/
int strcmp(char string1[], char string2[])
    int i=0;
    int value=2;    //this initialization value could be any number but the numbers that can be      returned by the function
        if (string1[i]>string2[i])
        else if (string1[i]<string2[i])

How to make Sonar ignore some classes for codeCoverage metric?

I had to struggle for a little bit but I found a solution, I added


and the coverage metric was cancelled from the dashboard at all, so I realized that the problem was the path I was passing, not the property. In my case the path to exclude was java/org/acme/exceptions, so I used :


and it worked, but since I don't have sub-folders it also works with


Where is jarsigner?

Find in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA

Is < faster than <=?

No, it will not be faster on most architectures. You didn't specify, but on x86, all of the integral comparisons will be typically implemented in two machine instructions:

  • A test or cmp instruction, which sets EFLAGS
  • And a Jcc (jump) instruction, depending on the comparison type (and code layout):
    • jne - Jump if not equal --> ZF = 0
    • jz - Jump if zero (equal) --> ZF = 1
    • jg - Jump if greater --> ZF = 0 and SF = OF
    • (etc...)

Example (Edited for brevity) Compiled with $ gcc -m32 -S -masm=intel test.c

    if (a < b) {
        // Do something 1

Compiles to:

    mov     eax, DWORD PTR [esp+24]      ; a
    cmp     eax, DWORD PTR [esp+28]      ; b
    jge     .L2                          ; jump if a is >= b
    ; Do something 1


    if (a <= b) {
        // Do something 2

Compiles to:

    mov     eax, DWORD PTR [esp+24]      ; a
    cmp     eax, DWORD PTR [esp+28]      ; b
    jg      .L5                          ; jump if a is > b
    ; Do something 2

So the only difference between the two is a jg versus a jge instruction. The two will take the same amount of time.

I'd like to address the comment that nothing indicates that the different jump instructions take the same amount of time. This one is a little tricky to answer, but here's what I can give: In the Intel Instruction Set Reference, they are all grouped together under one common instruction, Jcc (Jump if condition is met). The same grouping is made together under the Optimization Reference Manual, in Appendix C. Latency and Throughput.

Latency — The number of clock cycles that are required for the execution core to complete the execution of all of the µops that form an instruction.

Throughput — The number of clock cycles required to wait before the issue ports are free to accept the same instruction again. For many instructions, the throughput of an instruction can be significantly less than its latency

The values for Jcc are:

      Latency   Throughput
Jcc     N/A        0.5

with the following footnote on Jcc:

7) Selection of conditional jump instructions should be based on the recommendation of section Section 3.4.1, “Branch Prediction Optimization,” to improve the predictability of branches. When branches are predicted successfully, the latency of jcc is effectively zero.

So, nothing in the Intel docs ever treats one Jcc instruction any differently from the others.

If one thinks about the actual circuitry used to implement the instructions, one can assume that there would be simple AND/OR gates on the different bits in EFLAGS, to determine whether the conditions are met. There is then, no reason that an instruction testing two bits should take any more or less time than one testing only one (Ignoring gate propagation delay, which is much less than the clock period.)

Edit: Floating Point

This holds true for x87 floating point as well: (Pretty much same code as above, but with double instead of int.)

        fld     QWORD PTR [esp+32]
        fld     QWORD PTR [esp+40]
        fucomip st, st(1)              ; Compare ST(0) and ST(1), and set CF, PF, ZF in EFLAGS
        fstp    st(0)
        seta    al                     ; Set al if above (CF=0 and ZF=0).
        test    al, al
        je      .L2
        ; Do something 1

        fld     QWORD PTR [esp+32]
        fld     QWORD PTR [esp+40]
        fucomip st, st(1)              ; (same thing as above)
        fstp    st(0)
        setae   al                     ; Set al if above or equal (CF=0).
        test    al, al
        je      .L5
        ; Do something 2

Automated testing for REST Api

Runscope is a cloud based service that can monitor Web APIs using a set of tests. Tests can be , scheduled and/or run via parameterized web hooks. Tests can also be executed from data centers around the world to ensure response times are acceptable to global client base.

The free tier of Runscope supports up to 10K requests per month.

Disclaimer: I am a developer advocate for Runscope.

How to add element into ArrayList in HashMap

I know, this is an old question. But just for the sake of completeness, the lambda version.

Map<String, List<Item>> items = new HashMap<>();
items.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(item);

Concatenate in jQuery Selector

There is nothing wrong with syntax of

$('#part' + number).html(text);

jQuery accepts a String (usually a CSS Selector) or a DOM Node as parameter to create a jQuery Object.

In your case you should pass a String to $() that is

$(<a string>)

Make sure you have access to the variables number and text.

To test do:

    alert(number + ":" + text);//or use console.log(number + ":" + text)
    $('#part' + number).html(text);

If you see you dont have access, pass them as parameters to the function, you have to include the uual parameters for $.get and pass the custom parameters after them.

if statement checks for null but still throws a NullPointerException

You can use StringUtils:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

if (StringUtils.isBlank(str)) {

System.out.println("String is empty");

} else { 

System.out.println("String is not empty");


Have a look here also: StringUtils.isBlank() vs String.isEmpty()

isBlank examples:

StringUtils.isBlank(null)      = true
StringUtils.isBlank("")        = true  
StringUtils.isBlank(" ")       = true  
StringUtils.isBlank("bob")     = false  
StringUtils.isBlank("  bob  ") = false

Use table name in MySQL SELECT "AS"

SELECT field1, field2, 'Test' AS field3 FROM Test; // replace with simple quote '

How can you undo the last git add?

You could use git reset (see docs)

Getting "cannot find Symbol" in Java project in Intellij

This happened to me when I deleted a folder and then copy-pasted it back to the project.

Right-click project folder -> Rebuild worked for me.

from jquery $.ajax to angular $http

You may use this :

Download "angular-post-fix": "^0.1.0"

Then add 'httpPostFix' to your dependencies while declaring the angular module.

Ref :


Finaly I found another answer for this problem. and this is working for me. Just add below datas to the your webconfig file.

    <verbs allowUnlisted="true">
     <add verb="OPTIONS" allowed="false" />

Form more information, you can visit this web site:

if you want to test your web site, is it working or not... You can use "HttpRequester" mozilla firefox plugin. for this plugin:

Error :- java runtime environment JRE or java development kit must be available in order to run eclipse

This doesn't seem to be relevant in this case, but in case others face this problem --- make sure that if you installed 32 bit version of Eclipse, you also installed 32 bit version of JRE. Similarly, if you installed 64 bit version of Eclipse, you need 64 bit version of JRE in your Windows. Otherwise you will see the above error message as well.

Does GPS require Internet?

There are two issues:

  1. Getting the current coordinates (longitude, latitude, perhaps altitude) based on some external signals received by your device, and
  2. Deriving a human-readable position (address) from the coordinates.

To get the coordinates you don't need the Internet. GPS is satellite-based. But to derive street/city information from the coordinates, you'd need either to implement the map and the corresponding algorithms yourself on the device (a lot of work!) or to rely on proven services, e.g. by Google, in which case you'd need an Internet connection.

As of recently, Google allows for caching the maps, which would at least allow you to show your current position on the map even without a data connection, provided, you had cached the map in advance, when you could access the Internet.

Contain form within a bootstrap popover?

I work in WordPress a lot so use PHP.

My method is to contain my HTML in a PHP Variable, and then echo the variable in data-content.

$my-data-content = '<form><input type="text"/></form>';

along with

data-content='<?php echo $my-data-content; ?>' 

How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

With some trial and error I learned the following.

Within the *.xml you can combine the stock fonts with the following functions, not only with typeface:


With this two styles, there was no need to use typeface in any other case. The range of combinations is much more bigger with fontfamily&textStyle.

Why this "Implicit declaration of function 'X'"?

summation and your other functions are defined after they're used in main, and so the compiler has made a guess about it's signature; in other words, an implicit declaration has been assumed.

You should declare the function before it's used and get rid of the warning. In the C99 specification, this is an error.

Either move the function bodies before main, or include method signatures before main, e.g.:

#include <stdio.h>

int summation(int *, int *, int *);

int main()
    // ...

Cast from VARCHAR to INT - MySQL

For casting varchar fields/values to number format can be little hack used:


How to use WinForms progress bar?

I would suggest you have a look at BackgroundWorker. If you have a loop that large in your WinForm it will block and your app will look like it has hanged.

Look at BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress() to see how to report progress back to the UI thread.

For example:

private void Calculate(int i)
    double pow = Math.Pow(i, i);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    progressBar1.Maximum = 100;
    progressBar1.Step = 1;
    progressBar1.Value = 0;

private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    var backgroundWorker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
    for (int j = 0; j < 100000; j++)
        backgroundWorker.ReportProgress((j * 100) / 100000);

private void backgroundWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
    progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

private void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    // TODO: do something with final calculation.

How to obtain Certificate Signing Request

Since you installed a new OS you probably don't have any more of your private and public keys that you used to sign your app in to XCode before. You need to regenerate those keys on your machine by revoking your previous certificate and asking for a new one on the iOS development portal. As part of the process you will be asked to generate a Certificate Signing Request which is where you seem to have a problem.

You will find all you need there which consists of (from the official doc):

1.Open Keychain Access on your Mac (located in Applications/Utilities).

2.Open Preferences and click Certificates. Make sure both Online Certificate Status Protocol and Certificate Revocation List are set to Off.

3.Choose Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority.

Note: If you have a private key selected when you do this, the CSR won’t be accepted. Make sure no private key is selected. Enter your user email address and common name. Use the same address and name as you used to register in the iOS Developer Program. No CA Email Address is required.

4.Select the options “Saved to disk” and “Let me specify key pair information” and click Continue.

5.Specify a filename and click Save. (make sure to replace .certSigningRequest with .csr)

For the Key Size choose 2048 bits and for Algorithm choose RSA. Click Continue and the Certificate Assistant creates a CSR and saves the file to your specified location.

isset PHP isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : ''

If you want an empty string default then a preferred way is one of these (depending on your need):

$str_value = strval($_GET['something']);
$trimmed_value = trim($_GET['something']);
$int_value = intval($_GET['somenumber']);

If the url parameter something doesn't exist in the url then $_GET['something'] will return null

strval($_GET['something']) -> strval(null) -> ""

and your variable $value is set to an empty string.

  • trim() might be prefered over strval() depending on code (e.g. a Name parameter might want to use it)
  • intval() if only numeric values are expected and the default is zero. intval(null) -> 0

Cases to consider:

...&something=value1&key2=value2 (typical)

...&key2=value2 (parameter missing from url $_GET will return null for it)

...&something=+++&key2=value (parameter is " ")

Why this is a preferred approach:

  • It fits neatly on one line and is clear what's going on.
  • It's readable than $value = isset($_GET['something']) ? $_GET['something'] : '';
  • Lower risk of copy/paste mistake or a typo: $value=isset($_GET['something'])?$_GET['somthing']:'';
  • It's compatible with older and newer php.

Update Strict mode may require something like this:

$str_value = strval(@$_GET['something']);
$trimmed_value = trim(@$_GET['something']);
$int_value = intval(@$_GET['somenumber']);

How to create a new variable in a data.frame based on a condition?

One obvious and straightforward possibility is to use "if-else conditions". In that example

x <- c(1, 2, 4)
y <- c(1, 4, 5)
w <- ifelse(x <= 1, "good", ifelse((x >= 3) & (x <= 5), "bad", "fair"))
data.frame(x, y, w)

** For the additional question in the edit** Is that what you expect ?

> d1 <- c("e", "c", "a")
> d2 <- c("e", "a", "b")
> w <- ifelse((d1 == "e") & (d2 == "e"), 1, 
+    ifelse((d1=="a") & (d2 == "b"), 2,
+    ifelse((d1 == "e"), 3, 99)))
> data.frame(d1, d2, w)
  d1 d2  w
1  e  e  1
2  c  a 99
3  a  b  2

If you do not feel comfortable with the ifelse function, you can also work with the if and else statements for such applications.

Select last N rows from MySQL


save resources make one query, there is no need to make nested queries

changing default x range in histogram matplotlib

the following code is for making the same y axis limit on two subplots

f ,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize = (30, 13),gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [5, 1]})
df.plot(ax = ax[0], linewidth = 2.5)
ylim = [lower_limit,upper_limit]
ax[1].hist(data,normed =1, bins = num_bin, color = 'yellow' ,alpha = 1) 

just a reminder, plt.hist(range=[low, high]) the histogram auto crops the range if the specified range is larger than the max&min of the data points. So if you want to specify the y-axis range number, i prefer to use set_ylim

Counting number of occurrences in column?


=ArrayFormula(QUERY(A:A&{"",""};"select Col1, count(Col2) where Col1 != '' group by Col1 label count(Col2) 'Count'";1))

22/07/2014 Some time in the last month, Sheets has started supporting more flexible concatenation of arrays, using an embedded array. So the solution may be shortened slightly to:

=QUERY({A:A,A:A},"select Col1, count(Col2) where Col1 != '' group by Col1 label count(Col2) 'Count'",1)

Disable automatic sorting on the first column when using jQuery DataTables


"aaSorting": []

And check if default value is not null only set sortable column then

if ($('#table').DataTable().order().length == 1) {
    d.SortColumn = $('#table').DataTable().order()[0][0];
    d.SortOrder = $('#table').DataTable().order()[0][1];

VC++ fatal error LNK1168: cannot open filename.exe for writing

I've encountered this problem when the build is abruptly closed before it is loaded. No process would show up in the Task Manager, but if you navigate to the executable generated in the project folder and try to delete it, Windows claims that the application is in use. (If not, just delete the file and rebuild, which generates a new executable) In Windows(Visual Studio 2019), the file is located in this directory by default:


To end the allegedly running process, open the command prompt and type in the following command:

taskkill /F /IM ApplicationName.exe

This forces any running instance to be terminated. Rebuild and execute!

How to do a https request with bad certificate?

The correct way to do this if you want to maintain the default transport settings is now (as of Go 1.13):

customTransport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
customTransport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
client = &http.Client{Transport: customTransport}

Transport.Clone makes a deep copy of the transport. This way you don't have to worry about missing any new fields that get added to the Transport struct over time.

convert streamed buffers to utf8-string

Single Buffer

If you have a single Buffer you can use its toString method that will convert all or part of the binary contents to a string using a specific encoding. It defaults to utf8 if you don't provide a parameter, but I've explicitly set the encoding in this example.

var req = http.request(reqOptions, function(res) {

    res.on('data', function(chunk) {
        var textChunk = chunk.toString('utf8');
        // process utf8 text chunk

Streamed Buffers

If you have streamed buffers like in the question above where the first byte of a multi-byte UTF8-character may be contained in the first Buffer (chunk) and the second byte in the second Buffer then you should use a StringDecoder. :

var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder;

var req = http.request(reqOptions, function(res) {
    var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8');

    res.on('data', function(chunk) {
        var textChunk = decoder.write(chunk);
        // process utf8 text chunk

This way bytes of incomplete characters are buffered by the StringDecoder until all required bytes were written to the decoder.

Responsively change div size keeping aspect ratio

  border:1px solid;
<div id="aspectRatio">Aspect Ratio?</div>

The key thing to note here is vw = viewport width, and vh = viewport height

Wget output document and headers to STDOUT

This will not work:

wget -q -S -O - 1>wget.txt 2>&1

since redirects are evaluated right to left, this sends html to wget.txt and the header to STDOUT:

wget -q -S -O - 2>&1 1>wget.txt

Importing xsd into wsdl

You have a couple of problems here.

First, the XSD has an issue where an element is both named or referenced; in your case should be referenced.


<xsd:element name="stock" ref="Stock" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 


<xsd:element name="stock" type="Stock" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 


  • Remove the declaration of the global element Stock
  • Create a complex type declaration for a type named Stock


<xsd:element name="Stock">


<xsd:complexType name="Stock">

Make sure you fix the xml closing tags.

The second problem is that the correct way to reference an external XSD is to use XSD schema with import/include within a wsdl:types element. wsdl:import is reserved to referencing other WSDL files. More information is available by going through the WS-I specification, section WSDL and Schema Import. Based on WS-I, your case would be:

INCORRECT: (the way you showed it)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
    <import namespace="" location="Stock.xsd" />
    <message name="getStockQuoteResp">
        <part name="parameters" element="external:getStockQuoteResponse" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<definitions targetNamespace=""
        <schema xmlns="">
            <import namespace="" schemaLocation="Stock.xsd" />             
    <message name="getStockQuoteResp">
        <part name="parameters" element="external:getStockQuoteResponse" />

SOME processors may support both syntaxes. The XSD you put out shows issues, make sure you first validate the XSD.

It would be better if you go the WS-I way when it comes to WSDL authoring.

Other issues may be related to the use of relative vs. absolute URIs in locating external content.

PHP mysql insert date format

You must make sure that the date format is YYYY-MM-DD on your jQuery output. I can see jQuery returns MM-DD-YYYY, which is not the valid MySQL date format and this is why it returns an error.

To convert it to the right one you could do this:

$dateFormated = split('/', $date);
$date = $dateFormated[2].'-'.$dateFormated[0].'-'.$dateFormated[1];

Then you will get formatted date that will be valid MySQL format, which is YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. 2012-08-25

I would also recommend using mysql_real_escape_string as you insert data into database to prevent SQL injections as a quick solution or better use PDO or MySQLi.

Your insert query using mysql_real_escape_string should rather look like this:

$sql = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO user_date VALUE( '', '" .mysql_real_escape_string($name). "', '" .mysql_real_escape_string($date). "'" ) or die ( mysql_error() );

How do I print uint32_t and uint16_t variables value?

You need to include inttypes.h if you want all those nifty new format specifiers for the intN_t types and their brethren, and that is the correct (ie, portable) way to do it, provided your compiler complies with C99. You shouldn't use the standard ones like %d or %u in case the sizes are different to what you think.

It includes stdint.h and extends it with quite a few other things, such as the macros that can be used for the printf/scanf family of calls. This is covered in section 7.8 of the ISO C99 standard.

For example, the following program:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
int main (void) {
    uint32_t a=1234;
    uint16_t b=5678;
    printf("%" PRIu32 "\n",a);
    printf("%" PRIu16 "\n",b);
    return 0;



What is Options +FollowSymLinks?

How does the server know that it should pull image.png from the /pictures folder when you visit the website and browse to the /system/files/images folder in your web browser? A so-called symbolic link is the guy that is responsible for this behavior. Somewhere in your system, there is a symlink that tells your server "If a visitor requests /system/files/images/image.png then show him /pictures/image.png."

And what is the role of the FollowSymLinks setting in this?

FollowSymLinks relates to server security. When dealing with web servers, you can't just leave things undefined. You have to tell who has access to what. The FollowSymLinks setting tells your server whether it should or should not follow symlinks. In other words, if FollowSymLinks was disabled in our case, browsing to the /system/files/images/image.png file would return depending on other settings either the 403 (access forbidden) or 404 (not found) error.

"No backupset selected to be restored" SQL Server 2012

FYI: I found that when restoring, I needed to use the same (SQL User) credentials to login to SSMS. I had first tried the restore using a Windows Authentication account.

getting "No column was specified for column 2 of 'd'" in sql server cte?

You just need to provide an alias for your aggregate columns in the CTE

d as (SELECT 
   sum(totalitems) as sumtotalitems
   [DrySoftBranch].[dbo].[mnthItemWiseTotalQty] ('1') AS BkdQty
group by duration

Select multiple elements from a list

mylist[c(5,7,9)] should do it.

You want the sublists returned as sublists of the result list; you don't use [[]] (or rather, the function is [[) for that -- as Dason mentions in comments, [[ grabs the element.

Python: tf-idf-cosine: to find document similarity

First off, if you want to extract count features and apply TF-IDF normalization and row-wise euclidean normalization you can do it in one operation with TfidfVectorizer:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
>>> twenty = fetch_20newsgroups()

>>> tfidf = TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform(
>>> tfidf
<11314x130088 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
    with 1787553 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

Now to find the cosine distances of one document (e.g. the first in the dataset) and all of the others you just need to compute the dot products of the first vector with all of the others as the tfidf vectors are already row-normalized.

As explained by Chris Clark in comments and here Cosine Similarity does not take into account the magnitude of the vectors. Row-normalised have a magnitude of 1 and so the Linear Kernel is sufficient to calculate the similarity values.

The scipy sparse matrix API is a bit weird (not as flexible as dense N-dimensional numpy arrays). To get the first vector you need to slice the matrix row-wise to get a submatrix with a single row:

>>> tfidf[0:1]
<1x130088 sparse matrix of type '<type 'numpy.float64'>'
    with 89 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

scikit-learn already provides pairwise metrics (a.k.a. kernels in machine learning parlance) that work for both dense and sparse representations of vector collections. In this case we need a dot product that is also known as the linear kernel:

>>> from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
>>> cosine_similarities = linear_kernel(tfidf[0:1], tfidf).flatten()
>>> cosine_similarities
array([ 1.        ,  0.04405952,  0.11016969, ...,  0.04433602,
    0.04457106,  0.03293218])

Hence to find the top 5 related documents, we can use argsort and some negative array slicing (most related documents have highest cosine similarity values, hence at the end of the sorted indices array):

>>> related_docs_indices = cosine_similarities.argsort()[:-5:-1]
>>> related_docs_indices
array([    0,   958, 10576,  3277])
>>> cosine_similarities[related_docs_indices]
array([ 1.        ,  0.54967926,  0.32902194,  0.2825788 ])

The first result is a sanity check: we find the query document as the most similar document with a cosine similarity score of 1 which has the following text:

>>> print[0]
From: [email protected] (where's my thing)
Subject: WHAT car is this!?
Organization: University of Maryland, College Park
Lines: 15

 I was wondering if anyone out there could enlighten me on this car I saw
the other day. It was a 2-door sports car, looked to be from the late 60s/
early 70s. It was called a Bricklin. The doors were really small. In addition,
the front bumper was separate from the rest of the body. This is
all I know. If anyone can tellme a model name, engine specs, years
of production, where this car is made, history, or whatever info you
have on this funky looking car, please e-mail.

- IL
   ---- brought to you by your neighborhood Lerxst ----

The second most similar document is a reply that quotes the original message hence has many common words:

>>> print[958]
From: [email protected] (Robert Seymour)
Subject: Re: WHAT car is this!?
Article-I.D.: reed.1993Apr21.032905.29286
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: Reed College, Portland, OR
Lines: 26

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (where's my
thing) writes:
>  I was wondering if anyone out there could enlighten me on this car I saw
> the other day. It was a 2-door sports car, looked to be from the late 60s/
> early 70s. It was called a Bricklin. The doors were really small. In
> the front bumper was separate from the rest of the body. This is
> all I know. If anyone can tellme a model name, engine specs, years
> of production, where this car is made, history, or whatever info you
> have on this funky looking car, please e-mail.

Bricklins were manufactured in the 70s with engines from Ford. They are rather
odd looking with the encased front bumper. There aren't a lot of them around,
but Hemmings (Motor News) ususally has ten or so listed. Basically, they are a
performance Ford with new styling slapped on top.

>    ---- brought to you by your neighborhood Lerxst ----

Rush fan?

Robert Seymour              [email protected]
Physics and Philosophy, Reed College    (NeXTmail accepted)
Artificial Life Project         Reed College
Reed Solar Energy Project (SolTrain)    Portland, OR

Efficient way to remove keys with empty strings from a dict

I read all replies in this thread and some referred also to this thread: Remove empty dicts in nested dictionary with recursive function

I originally used solution here and it worked great:

Attempt 1: Too Hot (not performant or future-proof):

def scrub_dict(d):
    if type(d) is dict:
        return dict((k, scrub_dict(v)) for k, v in d.iteritems() if v and scrub_dict(v))
        return d

But some performance and compatibility concerns were raised in Python 2.7 world:

  1. use isinstance instead of type
  2. unroll the list comp into for loop for efficiency
  3. use python3 safe items instead of iteritems

Attempt 2: Too Cold (Lacks Memoization):

def scrub_dict(d):
    new_dict = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v,dict):
            v = scrub_dict(v)
        if not v in (u'', None, {}):
            new_dict[k] = v
    return new_dict

DOH! This is not recursive and not at all memoizant.

Attempt 3: Just Right (so far):

def scrub_dict(d):
    new_dict = {}
    for k, v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v,dict):
            v = scrub_dict(v)
        if not v in (u'', None, {}):
            new_dict[k] = v
    return new_dict

ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database

Very simple solution. Just rename your database and configure your new database name in your project.

The problem is the when you import your database, you got any errors and then the database will be corrupted. The log files will have the corrupted database name. You can rename your database easily using phpmyadmin for mysql.

phpmyadmin -> operations -> Rename database to

How to compare binary files to check if they are the same?

You can use MD5 hash function to check if two files are the same, with this you can not see the differences in a low level, but is a quick way to compare two files.

md5 <filename1>
md5 <filename2>

If both MD5 hashes (the command output) are the same, then, the two files are not different.

Execute ssh with password authentication via windows command prompt

The sshpass utility is meant for exactly this. First, install sshpass by typing this command:

sudo apt-get install sshpass

Then prepend your ssh/scp command with

sshpass -p '<password>' <ssh/scp command>

This program is easiest to install when using Linux.

User should consider using SSH's more secure public key authentication (with the ssh command) instead.

Decimal number regular expression, where digit after decimal is optional


should reflect what people usually think of as a well formed decimal number.

The digits before the decimal point can be either a single digit, in which case it can be from 0 to 9, or more than one digits, in which case it cannot start with a 0.

If there are any digits present before the decimal sign, then the decimal and the digits following it are optional. Otherwise, a decimal has to be present followed by at least one digit. Note that multiple trailing 0's are allowed after the decimal point.

grep -E '^[+-]?(([1-9][0-9]*)?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)$'

correctly matches the following:


as well as their signed equivalents, whereas it rejects the following:


and their signed equivalents, as well as the empty string.

Wait till a Function with animations is finished until running another Function

add the following to the end of the first function

return $.Deferred().resolve();

call both functions like so


Adding a slide effect to bootstrap dropdown

I am using the code above but I have changed the delay effect by slideToggle.

It slides the dropdown on hover with animation.

$('.navbar .dropdown').hover(function() {
    $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideToggle(400);
    }, function() {
    $(this).find('.dropdown-menu').first().stop(true, true).slideToggle(400)

How to right-align form input boxes?

You can use floating to the right and clear them.

form {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
input {_x000D_
  float: right;_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
  <input name="declared_first" value="above" />_x000D_
  <input name="declared_second" value="below" />_x000D_

You can also set a right-to-left direction to the parent and restore the default left-to-right on the inputs. With display: block you can force them to be on different lines.

form {_x000D_
  direction: rtl;_x000D_
input {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  direction: ltr;_x000D_
  <input name="declared_first" value="above" />_x000D_
  <input name="declared_second" value="below" />_x000D_

Or the modern way, flexbox layout

form {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  align-items: flex-end;_x000D_
  <input name="declared_first" value="above" />_x000D_
  <input name="declared_second" value="below" />_x000D_

How to align texts inside of an input?

Try this in your CSS:

input {
text-align: right;

To align the text in the center:

input {
text-align: center;

But, it should be left-aligned, as that is the default - and appears to be the most user friendly.

What does -XX:MaxPermSize do?

In Java 8 that parameter is commonly used to print a warning message like this one:

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0

The reason why you get this message in Java 8 is because Permgen has been replaced by Metaspace to address some of PermGen's drawbacks (as you were able to see for yourself, one of those drawbacks is that it had a fixed size).

FYI: an article on Metaspace:

Get top n records for each group of grouped results

If the other answers are not fast enough Give this code a try:

        province, n, city, population
      ( SELECT  @prev := '', @n := 0 ) init
      ( SELECT  @n := if(province != @prev, 1, @n + 1) AS n,
                @prev := province,
                province, city, population
            FROM  Canada
            ORDER BY
                province   ASC,
                population DESC
      ) x
    WHERE  n <= 3
    ORDER BY  province, n;


| province                  | n    | city             | population |
| Alberta                   |    1 | Calgary          |     968475 |
| Alberta                   |    2 | Edmonton         |     822319 |
| Alberta                   |    3 | Red Deer         |      73595 |
| British Columbia          |    1 | Vancouver        |    1837970 |
| British Columbia          |    2 | Victoria         |     289625 |
| British Columbia          |    3 | Abbotsford       |     151685 |
| Manitoba                  |    1 | ...

Need help rounding to 2 decimal places

The problem will be that you cannot represent 0.575 exactly as a binary floating point number (eg a double). Though I don't know exactly it seems that the representation closest is probably just a bit lower and so when rounding it uses the true representation and rounds down.

If you want to avoid this problem then use a more appropriate data type. decimal will do what you want:

Math.Round(0.575M, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

Result: 0.58

The reason that 0.75 does the right thing is that it is easy to represent in binary floating point since it is simple 1/2 + 1/4 (ie 2^-1 +2^-2). In general any finite sum of powers of two can be represented in binary floating point. Exceptions are when your powers of 2 span too great a range (eg 2^100+2 is not exactly representable).

Edit to add:

Formatting doubles for output in C# might be of interest in terms of understanding why its so hard to understand that 0.575 is not really 0.575. The DoubleConverter in the accepted answer will show that 0.575 as an Exact String is 0.5749999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875 You can see from this why rounding give 0.57.

AngularJS performs an OPTIONS HTTP request for a cross-origin resource

Little late to the party,

If you are using Angular 7 (or 5/6/7) and PHP as the API and still getting this error, try adding following header options to the end point (PHP API).

 header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
 header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH");
 header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization");

Note : What only requires is Access-Control-Allow-Methods. But, I am pasting here other two Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Headers, simply because you will need all of these to be properly set in order Angular App to properly talk to your API.

Hope this helps someone.


Add JsonArray to JsonObject

I think it is a problem(aka. bug) with the API you are using. JSONArray implements Collection (the implementation from which this API is derived does not have JSONArray implement Collection). And JSONObject has an overloaded put() method which takes a Collection and wraps it in a JSONArray (thus causing the problem). I think you need to force the other JSONObject.put() method to be used:


You should file a bug with the vendor, pretty sure their JSONObject.put(String,Collection) method is broken.

Apache shows PHP code instead of executing it

none of the above applied or worked for me... PHP7, Apache Httpd 2.2 on CentOS 6

fact is, I installed (all with yum) php BEFORE Apache... you must do the reverse: always install Apache first, then PHP, and then it works... Indeed, you are likely missing and in /etc/httpd/modules/

I was able to recover anyhow without UNinstalling PHP. I did add the magic line in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php And then run: yum install php php-mysql

How to get first element in a list of tuples?

do you mean something like this?

new_list = [ seq[0] for seq in yourlist ]

What you actually have is a list of tuple objects, not a list of sets (as your original question implied). If it is actually a list of sets, then there is no first element because sets have no order.

Here I've created a flat list because generally that seems more useful than creating a list of 1 element tuples. However, you can easily create a list of 1 element tuples by just replacing seq[0] with (seq[0],).

Moq, SetupGet, Mocking a property

But while mocking read-only properties means properties with getter method only you should declare it as virtual otherwise System.NotSupportedException will be thrown because it is only supported in VB as moq internally override and create proxy when we mock anything.

Spring MVC: How to perform validation?

There are two ways to validate user input: annotations and by inheriting Spring's Validator class. For simple cases, the annotations are nice. If you need complex validations (like cross-field validation, eg. "verify email address" field), or if your model is validated in multiple places in your application with different rules, or if you don't have the ability to modify your model object by placing annotations on it, Spring's inheritance-based Validator is the way to go. I'll show examples of both.

The actual validation part is the same regardless of which type of validation you're using:

RequestMapping(value="fooPage", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String processSubmit(@Valid @ModelAttribute("foo") Foo foo, BindingResult result, ModelMap m) {
    if(result.hasErrors()) {
        return "fooPage";
    return "successPage";

If you are using annotations, your Foo class might look like:

public class Foo {

    @Size(min = 1, max = 20)
    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    // getters, setters

Annotations above are javax.validation.constraints annotations. You can also use Hibernate's org.hibernate.validator.constraints, but it doesn't look like you are using Hibernate.

Alternatively, if you implement Spring's Validator, you would create a class as follows:

public class FooValidator implements Validator {

    public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
        return Foo.class.equals(clazz);

    public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {

        Foo foo = (Foo) target;

        if(foo.getName() == null) {
            errors.rejectValue("name", "name[emptyMessage]");
        else if(foo.getName().length() < 1 || foo.getName().length() > 20){
            errors.rejectValue("name", "name[invalidLength]");

        if(foo.getAge() == null) {
            errors.rejectValue("age", "age[emptyMessage]");
        else if(foo.getAge() < 1 || foo.getAge() > 110){
            errors.rejectValue("age", "age[invalidAge]");

If using the above validator, you also have to bind the validator to the Spring controller (not necessary if using annotations):

protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
    binder.setValidator(new FooValidator());

Also see Spring docs.

Hope that helps.

How can I debug what is causing a connection refused or a connection time out?

Use a packet analyzer to intercept the packets to/from Studying those packets should tell you what is going on.

Time-outs or connections refused could mean that the remote host is too busy.

How to output loop.counter in python jinja template?

Inside of a for-loop block, you can access some special variables including loop.index --but no loop.counter. From the official docs:

Variable    Description
loop.index  The current iteration of the loop. (1 indexed)
loop.index0 The current iteration of the loop. (0 indexed)
loop.revindex   The number of iterations from the end of the loop (1 indexed)
loop.revindex0  The number of iterations from the end of the loop (0 indexed)
loop.first  True if first iteration.
loop.last   True if last iteration.
loop.length The number of items in the sequence.
loop.cycle  A helper function to cycle between a list of sequences. See the explanation below.
loop.depth  Indicates how deep in a recursive loop the rendering currently is. Starts at level 1
loop.depth0 Indicates how deep in a recursive loop the rendering currently is. Starts at level 0
loop.previtem   The item from the previous iteration of the loop. Undefined during the first iteration.
loop.nextitem   The item from the following iteration of the loop. Undefined during the last iteration.
loop.changed(*val)  True if previously called with a different value (or not called at all).

How to set downloading file name in ASP.NET Web API

You need to add the content-disposition header to the response:

 response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
 response.Content = new StreamContent(result);
 response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + fileName);
 return response;

How to leave space in HTML

If you want to leave blank space in HTML while editing the website just use <br /> and copy-paste it under the last one and keep going like that until you have enough space. Hope it helps.

How do I compare if a string is not equal to?

Either != or ne will work, but you need to get the accessor syntax and nested quotes sorted out.

<c:if test="${ ne 'MCE'}">
    <%-- snip --%>

async/await - when to return a Task vs void?

I think you can use async void for kicking off background operations as well, so long as you're careful to catch exceptions. Thoughts?

class Program {

    static bool isFinished = false;

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        // Kick off the background operation and don't care about when it completes

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter when you're ready to stop the background operation.");
        isFinished = true;

    // Using async void to kickoff a background operation that nobody wants to be notified about when it completes.
    static async void BackgroundWork() {
        // It's important to catch exceptions so we don't crash the appliation.
        try {
            // This operation will end after ten interations or when the app closes. Whichever happens first.
            for (var count = 1; count <= 10 && !isFinished; count++) {
                await Task.Delay(1000);
                Console.WriteLine($"{count} seconds of work elapsed.");
            Console.WriteLine("Background operation came to an end.");
        } catch (Exception x) {
            Console.WriteLine("Caught exception:");

Using custom fonts using CSS?

First of all, you can't prevent people from downloading fonts except if it is yours and that usually takes months. And it makes no sense to prevent people from using fonts. A lot of fonts that you see on websites can be found on free platforms like the one I mentioned below.

But if you want to implement a font into your website read this: There is a pretty simple and free way to implement fonts into your website. I would recommend Google fonts because it is free and easy to use. For example, I'll use the Bangers font from Google.( This is how it would look like: HTML

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


body {
font-family: 'Bangers', cursive;

Converting VS2012 Solution to VS2010

Just to elaborate on Bhavin's excellent answer - editing the solution file works but you may still get the incompatible error (as David reported) if you had .NET 4.5 selected as the default .NET version in your VS2012 project and your VS2010 enviroment doesn't support that.

To quickly fix that, open the VS2012 .csproj file in a text editor and change the TargetFrameworkVersion down to 4.0 (from 4.5). VS2010 will then happily load the "edited" solution and projects.

You'll also have to edit an app.config files that have references to .NET 4.5 in a similar way to allow them to run on a .NET 4.0 environment.

How to insert Records in Database using C# language?

There are many problems in your query.
This is a modified version of your code

string connetionString = null;
string sql = null;

// All the info required to reach your db. See
connetionString = "Data Source=UMAIR;Initial Catalog=Air; Trusted_Connection=True;" ;

// Prepare a proper parameterized query 
sql = "insert into Main ([Firt Name], [Last Name]) values(@first,@last)";

// Create the connection (and be sure to dispose it at the end)
using(SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connetionString))
       // Open the connection to the database. 
       // This is the first critical step in the process.
       // If we cannot reach the db then we have connectivity problems

       // Prepare the command to be executed on the db
       using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, cnn))
           // Create and set the parameters values 
           cmd.Parameters.Add("@first", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = textbox2.text;
           cmd.Parameters.Add("@last", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = textbox3.text;

           // Let's ask the db to execute the query
           int rowsAdded = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
           if(rowsAdded > 0) 
              MessageBox.Show ("Row inserted!!" + );
              // Well this should never really happen
              MessageBox.Show ("No row inserted");

    catch(Exception ex)
        // We should log the error somewhere, 
        // for this example let's just show a message
        MessageBox.Show("ERROR:" + ex.Message);
  • The column names contain spaces (this should be avoided) thus you need square brackets around them
  • You need to use the using statement to be sure that the connection will be closed and resources released
  • You put the controls directly in the string, but this don't work
  • You need to use a parametrized query to avoid quoting problems and sqlinjiection attacks
  • No need to use a DataAdapter for a simple insert query
  • Do not use AddWithValue because it could be a source of bugs (See link below)

Apart from this, there are other potential problems. What if the user doesn't input anything in the textbox controls? Do you have done any checking on this before trying to insert? As I have said the fields names contain spaces and this will cause inconveniences in your code. Try to change those field names.

This code assumes that your database columns are of type NVARCHAR, if not, then use the appropriate SqlDbType enum value.

Please plan to switch to a more recent version of NET Framework as soon as possible. The 1.1 is really obsolete now.

And, about AddWithValue problems, this article explain why we should avoid it. Can we stop using AddWithValue() already?

What is the usefulness of PUT and DELETE HTTP request methods?

Safe Methods : Get Resource/No modification in resource
Idempotent : No change in resource status if requested many times
Unsafe Methods : Create or Update Resource/Modification in resource
Non-Idempotent : Change in resource status if requested many times

According to your requirement :

1) For safe and idempotent operation (Fetch Resource) use --------- GET METHOD
2) For unsafe and non-idempotent operation (Insert Resource) use--------- POST METHOD
3) For unsafe and idempotent operation (Update Resource) use--------- PUT METHOD
3) For unsafe and idempotent operation (Delete Resource) use--------- DELETE METHOD

How to make input type= file Should accept only pdf and xls

I would filter the files server side, because there are tools, such as Live HTTP Headers on Firefox that would allow to upload any file, including a shell. People could hack your site. Do it server site, to be safe.

CMD: How do I recursively remove the "Hidden"-Attribute of files and directories

just type

attrib -h -r -s /s /d j:*.*

where j is the drive letter... unlocks all the locked stuff in j drive

if u want to make it specific..then go to a specific location using cmd and then type

attrib -h -r -s /s /d "foldername"

it can also be used to lock drives or folders just alter "-" with "+"

attrib +h +r +s /s /d "foldername"