[linux] How to generate a core dump in Linux on a segmentation fault?

To check where the core dumps are generated, run:

sysctl kernel.core_pattern


cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

where %e is the process name and %t the system time. You can change it in /etc/sysctl.conf and reloading by sysctl -p.

If the core files are not generated (test it by: sleep 10 & and killall -SIGSEGV sleep), check the limits by: ulimit -a.

If your core file size is limited, run:

ulimit -c unlimited

to make it unlimited.

Then test again, if the core dumping is successful, you will see “(core dumped)” after the segmentation fault indication as below:

Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)

See also: core dumped - but core file is not in current directory?


In Ubuntu the core dumps are handled by Apport and can be located in /var/crash/. However, it is disabled by default in stable releases.

For more details, please check: Where do I find the core dump in Ubuntu?.


For macOS, see: How to generate core dumps in Mac OS X?

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