[xml] Lightweight XML Viewer that can handle large files

I have tried dozens of XML editors hoping to find one which would be able to do some kind of visualization. The best lightweight viewer for windows I have found was XMLMarker - too bad the project has been dead for some years now. It is not so useful as an editor, but it does a good job of displaying flat XML data as tables.

There are tons of free editors that do XML syntax highlighting, including vim, emacs, scite, eclipse (J2EE edition), jedit, notepad++.

For heavyweight XML features, like XPath support, XSLT editing and debugging, SOAP/WSDL there are some good commercial tools like, XMLSpy, Oxygen, StylusStudio.

JEdit is open-source and also has plugins for XML, XPath and XSLT.

Word-2003 is fairly good for visualizing (but don't use it for editing). Excel-2003 and up also does a good job at visualizing flat XML data and can apply XSL transformations (again, no good as an editor).