Here is a crazier solution of a different pattern -- using coroutines. The code is still very similar, but with one important difference; there are no exit conditions at all! The coroutine (chain of coroutines really) just stops when you stop feeding it with data.
def coroutine(func):
"""Coroutine decorator
Coroutines must be started, advanced to their first "yield" point,
and this decorator does this automatically.
def startcr(*ar, **kw):
cr = func(*ar, **kw)
return cr
return startcr
def collector(storage):
"""Act as "sink" and collect all sent in @storage"""
while True:
def state_machine(sink):
""" .send() new parts to be tokenized by the state machine,
tokens are passed on to @sink
s = ""
state = STATE_CODE
while True:
if state is STATE_CODE :
if "//" in s :
sink.send((TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ))
else :
sink.send(( TOKEN_CODE, s ))
if state is STATE_COMMENT :
if "//" in s :
sink.send(( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ))
state = STATE_CODE
# re-evaluate same line
s = (yield)
tokens = []
sm = state_machine(collector(tokens))
for piece in i:
The code above collects all tokens as tuples in tokens
and I assume there is no difference between .append()
and .add()
in the original code.