[javascript] Testing if value is a function

I'm replacing a submit button with an anchor link. Since calling form.submit() does not activate onsubmit's, I'm finding it, and eval()ing it myself. But I'd like to check if the function exists before just eval()ing what's there. – gms8994

<script type="text/javascript">
function onsubmitHandler() {
    alert('running onsubmit handler');
    return true;
function testOnsubmitAndSubmit(f) {
    if (typeof f.onsubmit === 'function') {
        // onsubmit is executable, test the return value
        if (f.onsubmit()) {
            // onsubmit returns true, submit the form

<form name="theForm" onsubmit="return onsubmitHandler();">
<a href="#" onclick="
    return false;

EDIT : missing parameter f in function testOnsubmitAndSubmit

The above should work regardless of whether you assign the onsubmit HTML attribute or assign it in JavaScript:

document.forms['theForm'].onsubmit = onsubmitHandler;