[javascript] How do I use namespaces with TypeScript external modules?

I have some code:


export namespace Living.Things {
  export class Animal {
    move() { /* ... */ }
  export class Plant {
    photosynthesize() { /* ... */ }


import b = require('./baseTypes');

export namespace Living.Things {
  // Error, can't find name 'Animal', ??
  export class Dog extends Animal {
    woof() { }


// Error, can't use the same name twice, ??
import b = require('./baseTypes');
import b = require('./dogs');

namespace Living.Things {
  // Why do I have to write b.Living.Things.Plant instead of b.Plant??
  class Tree extends b.Living.Things.Plant {


This is all very confusing. I want to have a bunch of external modules all contribute types to the same namespace, Living.Things. It seems that this doesn't work at all -- I can't see Animal in dogs.ts. I have to write the full namespace name b.Living.Things.Plant in tree.ts. It doesn't work to combine multiple objects in the same namespace across file. How do I do this?

This question is related to javascript module typescript

The answer is

Several of the questions/comments I've seen around this subject sound to me as if the person is using Namespace where they mean 'module alias'. As Ryan Cavanaugh mentioned in one of his comments you can have a 'Wrapper' module re-export several modules.

If you really want to import it all from the same module name/alias, combine a wrapper module with a paths mapping in your tsconfig.json.



export class Foo {


export class Bar {


export { Foo } from './Foo';
export { Bar } from './Bar';


    "compilerOptions": {
        paths: {
            "CompanyName.Products": ["./path/to/CompanyName.Products/index"],


import { Foo, Bar } from 'CompanyName.Products'

Note: The module resolution in the output .js files will need to be handled somehow, such as with this https://github.com/tleunen/babel-plugin-module-resolver

Example .babelrc to handle the alias resolution:

    "plugins": [
        [ "module-resolver", {
            "cwd": "babelrc",
            "alias": {
                "CompanyName.Products": "./path/to/typescript/build/output/CompanyName.Products/index.js"
        ... other plugins ...

Nothing wrong with Ryan's answer, but for people who came here looking for how to maintain a one-class-per-file structure while still using ES6 namespaces correctly please refer to this helpful resource from Microsoft.

One thing that's unclear to me after reading the doc is: how to import the entire (merged) module with a single import.

Edit Circling back to update this answer. A few approaches to namespacing emerge in TS.

All module classes in one file.

export namespace Shapes {
    export class Triangle {}
    export class Square {}      

Import files into namespace, and reassign

import { Triangle as _Triangle } from './triangle';
import { Square as _Square } from './square';

export namespace Shapes {
  export const Triangle = _Triangle;
  export const Square = _Square;


// ./shapes/index.ts
export { Triangle } from './triangle';
export { Square } from './square';

// in importing file:
import * as Shapes from './shapes/index.ts';
// by node module convention, you can ignore '/index.ts':
import * as Shapes from './shapes';
let myTriangle = new Shapes.Triangle();

A final consideration. You could namespace each file

// triangle.ts
export namespace Shapes {
    export class Triangle {}

// square.ts
export namespace Shapes {
    export class Square {}

But as one imports two classes from the same namespace, TS will complain there's a duplicate identifier. The only solution as this time is to then alias the namespace.

import { Shapes } from './square';
import { Shapes as _Shapes } from './triangle';

// ugh
let myTriangle = new _Shapes.Shapes.Triangle();

This aliasing is absolutely abhorrent, so don't do it. You're better off with an approach above. Personally, I prefer the 'barrel'.

Small impovement of Albinofrenchy answer:


export class Animal {
move() { /* ... */ }

export class Plant {
  photosynthesize() { /* ... */ }


import * as b from './base';

export class Dog extends b.Animal {
   woof() { }


import { Dog } from './dog'

namespace things {
  export const dog = Dog;

export = things;


import * as things from './things';


Try to organize by folder:


export class Animal {
    move() { /* ... */ }

export class Plant {
    photosynthesize() { /* ... */ }


import b = require('./baseTypes');

export class Dog extends b.Animal {
    woof() { }


import b = require('./baseTypes');

class Tree extends b.Plant {


import dog = require('./dog')
import tree = require('./tree')

export = {
    dog: dog,
    tree: tree


import LivingThings = require('./LivingThings');

The idea is that your module themselves shouldn't care / know they are participating in a namespace, but this exposes your API to the consumer in a compact, sensible way which is agnostic to which type of module system you are using for the project.

Try this namespaces module


export namespace Bookname{
export class Snows{
export class Adventure{

export namespace TreeList{
export class MangoTree{
export class GuvavaTree{


---compilation part---

import {Bookname , TreeList} from './namespaceModule';
import b = require('./namespaceModule');
let BooknameLists = new Bookname.Adventure('Pirate treasure');
BooknameLists = new Bookname.Snows('ways to write a book'); 
const TreeLis = new TreeList.MangoTree('trees present in nature');
const TreeLists = new TreeList.GuvavaTree('trees are the celebraties');


import b = require('./baseTypes');

export module Living.Things {
    // Error, can't find name 'Animal', ??
    // Solved: can find, if properly referenced; exporting modules is useless, anyhow
    export class Dog extends b.Living.Things.Animal {
        public woof(): void {


// Error, can't use the same name twice, ??
// Solved: cannot declare let or const variable twice in same scope either: just use a different name
import b = require('./baseTypes');
import d = require('./dog');

module Living.Things {
    // Why do I have to write b.Living.Things.Plant instead of b.Plant??
    class Tree extends b.Living.Things.Plant {

The proper way to organize your code is to use separate directories in place of namespaces. Each class will be in it's own file, in it's respective namespace folder. index.ts will only re-export each file; no actual code should be in the index.ts file. Organizing your code like this makes it far easier to navigate, and is self-documenting based on directory structure.

// index.ts
import * as greeter from './greeter';
import * as somethingElse from './somethingElse';

export {greeter, somethingElse};

// greeter/index.ts
export * from './greetings.js';

// greeter/greetings.ts
export const helloWorld = "Hello World";

You would then use it as such:

import { greeter } from 'your-package'; //Import it like normal, be it from an NPM module or from a directory.
// You can also use the following syntax, if you prefer:
import * as package from 'your-package';


OP I'm with you man. again too, there is nothing wrong with that answer with 300+ up votes, but my opinion is:

  1. what is wrong with putting classes into their cozy warm own files individually? I mean this will make things looks much better right? (or someone just like a 1000 line file for all the models)

  2. so then, if the first one will be achieved, we have to import import import... import just in each of the model files like man, srsly, a model file, a .d.ts file, why there are so many *s in there? it should just be simple, tidy, and that's it. Why I need imports there? why? C# got namespaces for a reason.

  3. And by then, you are literally using "filenames.ts" as identifiers. As identifiers... Come on its 2017 now and we still do that? Ima go back to Mars and sleep for another 1000 years.

So sadly, my answer is: nop, you cannot make the "namespace" thing functional if you do not using all those imports or using those filenames as identifiers (which I think is really silly). Another option is: put all of those dependencies into a box called filenameasidentifier.ts and use

export namespace(or module) boxInBox {} .

wrap them so they wont try to access other classes with same name when they are just simply trying to get a reference from the class sit right on top of them.

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