[javascript] What is the difference between typeof and instanceof and when should one be used vs. the other?

In my particular case:

callback instanceof Function


typeof callback == "function"

does it even matter, what's the difference?

Additional Resource:

JavaScript-Garden typeof vs instanceof

This question is related to javascript instanceof typeof

The answer is

To be very precise instanceof should be used where value is created via the constructor (generally custom types) for e.g.

var d = new String("abc")

whereas typeof to check values created just by assignments for e.g

var d = "abc"

instanceof also works when callback is a subtype of Function, I think

Significant practical difference:

var str = 'hello word';

str instanceof String   // false

typeof str === 'string' // true

Don't ask me why.

Despite instanceof may be a little bit faster then typeof, I prefer second one because of such a possible magic:

function Class() {};
Class.prototype = Function;

var funcWannaBe = new Class;

console.log(funcWannaBe instanceof Function); //true
console.log(typeof funcWannaBe === "function"); //false
funcWannaBe(); //Uncaught TypeError: funcWannaBe is not a function

var newObj =  new Object;//instance of Object_x000D_
var newProp = "I'm xgqfrms!" //define property_x000D_
var newFunc = function(name){//define function _x000D_
 var hello ="hello, "+ name +"!";_x000D_
 return hello;_x000D_
newObj.info = newProp;// add property_x000D_
newObj.func = newFunc;// add function_x000D_
console.log(newObj.info);// call function_x000D_
// I'm xgqfrms!_x000D_
console.log(newObj.func("ET"));// call function_x000D_
// hello, ET!_x000D_
console.log(newObj instanceof Object);_x000D_

with performance in mind, you'd better use typeof with a typical hardware, if you create a script with a loop of 10 million iterations the instruction: typeof str == 'string' will take 9ms while 'string' instanceof String will take 19ms


typeof is faster than instanceof in situations where both are applicable.

Depending on your engine, the performance difference in favor of typeof could be around 20%. (Your mileage may vary)

Here is a benchmark testing for Array:

var subject = new Array();
var iterations = 10000000;

var goBenchmark = function(callback, iterations) {
    var start = Date.now();
    for (i=0; i < iterations; i++) { var foo = callback(); }
    var end = Date.now();
    var seconds = parseFloat((end-start)/1000).toFixed(2);
    console.log(callback.name+" took: "+ seconds +" seconds.");
    return seconds;

// Testing instanceof
var iot = goBenchmark(function instanceofTest(){
     (subject instanceof Array);
}, iterations);

// Testing typeof
var tot = goBenchmark(function typeofTest(){
     (typeof subject == "object");
}, iterations);

var r = new Array(iot,tot).sort();
console.log("Performance ratio is: "+ parseFloat(r[1]/r[0]).toFixed(3));


instanceofTest took: 9.98 seconds.
typeofTest took: 8.33 seconds.
Performance ratio is: 1.198

A good reason to use typeof is if the variable may be undefined.

alert(typeof undefinedVariable); // alerts the string "undefined"
alert(undefinedVariable instanceof Object); // throws an exception

A good reason to use instanceof is if the variable may be null.

var myNullVar = null;
alert(typeof myNullVar ); // alerts the string "object"
alert(myNullVar  instanceof Object); // alerts "false"

So really in my opinion it would depend on what type of possible data you are checking.

Other Significant practical differences:

// Boolean

var str3 = true ;


alert(str3 instanceof Boolean);  // false: expect true  

alert(typeof str3 == "boolean" ); // true

// Number

var str4 = 100 ;


alert(str4 instanceof Number);  // false: expect true   

alert(typeof str4 == "number" ); // true

Coming from a strict OO upbringing I'd go for

callback instanceof Function

Strings are prone to either my awful spelling or other typos. Plus I feel it reads better.

Of course it matters........ !

Let's walk this through with examples.In our example we will declare function in two different ways.

We will be using both function declaration and Function Constructor. We will se how typeof and instanceof behaves in those two different scenarios.

Create function using function declaration :

function MyFunc(){  }

typeof Myfunc == 'function' // true

MyFunc instanceof Function // false

Possible explanation for such different result is, as we made a function declaration , typeof can understand that it is a function.Because typeof checks whether or not the expression on which typeof is operation on, in our case MyFunc implemented Call Method or not. If it implements Call method it is a function.Otherwise not .For clarification check ecmascript specification for typeof.

Create function using function constructor :

var MyFunc2 = new Function('a','b','return a+b') // A function constructor is used 

typeof MyFunc2 == 'function' // true

MyFunc2 instanceof Function // true

Here typeof asserts that MyFunc2 is a function as well as the instanceof operator.We already know typeof check if MyFunc2 implemented Call method or not.As MyFunc2 is a function and it implements call method,that's how typeof knows that it's a function.On the other hand, we used function constructor to create MyFunc2, it becomes an instance of Function constructor.That's why instanceof also resolves to true.

What's safer to use ?

As we can see in both cases typeof operator can successfully asserted that we are dealing with a function here,it is safer than instanceof. instanceof will fail in case of function declaration because function declarations are not an instance of Function constructor.

Best practice :

As Gary Rafferty suggested, the best way should be using both typeof and instanceof together.

  function isFunction(functionItem) {

        return typeof(functionItem) == 'function' || functionItem instanceof Function;


  isFunction(MyFunc) // invoke it by passing our test function as parameter

To make things clear, you need to know two facts:

  1. The instanceof operator tests whether the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototypes chain of an object. In most cases this mean that the object was created by using this constructor or on of its descendant. But also prototype may be set explicitly by Object.setPrototypeOf() method (ECMAScript 2015) or by the __proto__ property (old browsers, deprecated). Changing the prototype of an object is not recommended though, because of performance issues.

Thus instanceof is applicable only to objects. In most cases you aren't using constructors to create strings or numbers. You can. But you almost never do.

Also instanceof can't check, exactly which constructor was used to create the object, but will return true, even if object is derived from class which being checked. In most cases this is the desired behavior, but sometimes it's not. So you need to keep that mind.

Another problem is that different scopes have different execution environments. This means that they have different built-ins (different global object, different constructors, etc.). This may result in unexpected results.

For example, [] instanceof window.frames[0].Array will return false, because Array.prototype !== window.frames[0].Array and arrays inherit from the former.
Also, it cannot be used on undefined value, because it don't have a prototype.

  1. The typeof operator tests whether value belong to one of six basic types: "number", "string", "boolean", "object", "function" or "undefined". Where the string "object" belong all objects (except functions, which are objects, but have its own value in typeof operator), and also "null" value and arrays (for "null" it's a bug, but this bug is so old, so it's become a standard). It doesn't rely on constructors and can be used even if value is undefined. But it's doesn't give any details about objects. So if you needed it, go to instanceof.

Now let's talk about one tricky thing. What if you use constructor to create a primitive type?

let num = new Number(5);
console.log(num instanceof Number); // print true
console.log(typeof num); // print object
num++; //num is object right now but still can be handled as number
//and after that:
console.log(num instanceof Number); // print false
console.log(typeof num); // print number

Seems like magic. But it is not. It's so-called boxing (wrapping primitive value by object) and unboxing (extracting wrapped primitive value from object). Such kind of code seems to be "a bit" fragile. Of course you can just avoid creating primitive type with constructors. But there is another possible situation, when boxing may hit you. When you use Function.call() or Function.apply() on a primitive type.

function test(){
  console.log(typeof this);

To avoiding this you can use strict mode:

function test(){
  'use strict';
  console.log(typeof this);

upd: Since ECMAScript 2015, there is one more type called Symbol, which has its own typeof == "symbol".

console.log(typeof Symbol());
// expected output: "symbol"

You can read about it on MDN: (Symbol, typeof).

instanceof in Javascript can be flaky - I believe major frameworks try to avoid its use. Different windows is one of the ways in which it can break - I believe class hierarchies can confuse it as well.

There are better ways for testing whether an object is a certain built-in type (which is usually what you want). Create utility functions and use them:

function isFunction(obj) {
  return typeof(obj) == "function";
function isArray(obj) {
  return typeof(obj) == "object" 
      && typeof(obj.length) == "number" 
      && isFunction(obj.push);

And so on.

no need to overwhelm with ton of above examples, just keep in mind two points of view:

  1. typeof var; is an unary operator will return the original type or root type of var. so that it will return primitive types(string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, and symbol) or object type.

  2. in case of higher-level object, like built-in objects (String, Number, Boolean, Array..) or complex or custom objects, all of them is object root type, but instance type built base on them is vary(like OOP class inheritance concept), here a instanceof A - a binary operator - will help you, it will go through the prototype chain to check whether constructor of the right operand(A) appears or not.

so whenever you want to check "root type" or work with primitive variable - use "typeof", otherwise using "instanceof".

null is a special case,which is seemingly primitive, but indeed is a special case for object. Using a === null to check null instead.

on the other hand, function is also a special case, which is built-in object but typeof return function

as you can see instanceof must go through the prototype chain meanwhile typeof just check the root type one time so it's easy to understand why typeof is faster than instanceof

I've discovered some really interesting (read as "horrible") behavior in Safari 5 and Internet Explorer 9. I was using this with great success in Chrome and Firefox.

if (typeof this === 'string') {

Then I test in IE9, and it doesn't work at all. Big surprise. But in Safari, it's intermittent! So I start debugging, and I find that Internet Explorer is always returning false. But the weirdest thing is that Safari seems to be doing some kind of optimization in its JavaScript VM where it is true the first time, but false every time you hit reload!

My brain almost exploded.

So now I've settled on this:

if (this instanceof String || typeof this === 'string')

And now everything works great. Note that you can call "a string".toString() and it just returns a copy of the string, i.e.

"a string".toString() === new String("a string").toString(); // true

So I'll be using both from now on.

Use instanceof because if you change the name of the class you will get a compiler error.

When checking for a function, one must always use typeof.

Here's the difference:

var f = Object.create(Function);

console.log(f instanceof Function); //=> true
console.log(typeof f === 'function'); //=> false

f(); // throws TypeError: f is not a function

This is why one must never use instanceof to check for a function.

This is just complementary knowledge to all the other explanations here - I am not suggesting to use .constructor everywhere.

TL;DR: In situations where typeof is not an option, and when you know that you do not care about the prototype chain, Object.prototype.constructor can be a viable or even better alternative than instanceof:

x instanceof Y
x.constructor === Y

It's been in the standard since 1.1, so no worries about backwards compatibility.

Muhammad Umer briefly mentioned this in a comment somewhere here too. It works on everything with a prototype - so everything not null or undefined:

// (null).constructor;      // TypeError: null has no properties
// (undefined).constructor; // TypeError: undefined has no properties

(1).constructor;                 // function Number
''.constructor;                  // function String
([]).constructor;                // function Array
(new Uint8Array(0)).constructor; // function Uint8Array
false.constructor;               // function Boolean()
true.constructor;                // function Boolean()

(Symbol('foo')).constructor;     // function Symbol()
// Symbols work, just remember that this is not an actual constructor:
// new Symbol('foo'); //TypeError: Symbol is not a constructor

Array.prototype === window.frames.Array;               // false
Array.constructor === window.frames.Array.constructor; // true

Furthermore, depending on your use case it can be a lot faster than instanceof (the reason likely being that it doesn't have to check the entire prototype chain). In my case I needed a fast way to check if a value is a typed array:

function isTypedArrayConstructor(obj) {
  switch (obj && obj.constructor){
    case Uint8Array:
    case Float32Array:
    case Uint16Array:
    case Uint32Array:
    case Int32Array:
    case Float64Array:
    case Int8Array:
    case Uint8ClampedArray:
    case Int16Array:
      return true;
      return false;

function isTypedArrayInstanceOf(obj) {
  return obj instanceof Uint8Array ||
    obj instanceof Float32Array ||
    obj instanceof Uint16Array ||
    obj instanceof Uint32Array ||
    obj instanceof Int32Array ||
    obj instanceof Float64Array ||
    obj instanceof Int8Array ||
    obj instanceof Uint8ClampedArray ||
    obj instanceof Int16Array;


And the results:

Chrome 64.0.3282.167 (64-bit, Windows)

Typed Array instanceof vs constructor - 1.5x faster in Chrome 64.0.3282.167 (64-bit, Windows)

Firefox 59.0b10 (64-bit, Windows)

Typed Array instanceof vs constructor - 30x faster in Firefox 59.0b10 (64-bit, Windows)

Out of curiousity, I did a quick toy benchmark against typeof; surprisingly it doesn't perform much worse, and it seems even a bit faster in Chrome:

let s = 0,
    n = 0;

function typeofSwitch(t) {
    switch (typeof t) {
        case "string":
            return ++s;
        case "number":
            return ++n;
            return 0;

// note: no test for null or undefined here
function constructorSwitch(t) {
    switch (t.constructor) {
        case String:
            return ++s;
        case Number:
            return ++n;
            return 0;

let vals = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
    vals.push(Math.random() <= 0.5 ? 0 : 'A');


NOTE: Order in which functions are listed switches between images!

Chrome 64.0.3282.167 (64-bit, Windows)

String/Number typeof vs constructor - 1.26x faster in Chrome 64.0.3282.167 (64-bit, Windows)

Firefox 59.0b10 (64-bit, Windows)

NOTE: Order in which functions are listed switches between images!

String/Number typeof vs constructor - 0.78x slower in Firefox 59.0b10 (64-bit, Windows)

I would recommend using prototype's callback.isFunction().

They've figured out the difference and you can count on their reason.

I guess other JS frameworks have such things, too.

instanceOf wouldn't work on functions defined in other windows, I believe. Their Function is different than your window.Function.

Both are similar in functionality because they both return type information, however I personally prefer instanceof because it's comparing actual types rather than strings. Type comparison is less prone to human error, and it's technically faster since it's comparing pointers in memory rather than doing whole string comparisons.

instanceof will not work for primitives eg "foo" instanceof String will return false whereas typeof "foo" == "string" will return true.

On the other hand typeof will probably not do what you want when it comes to custom objects (or classes, whatever you want to call them). For example:

function Dog() {}
var obj = new Dog;
typeof obj == 'Dog' // false, typeof obj is actually "object"
obj instanceof Dog  // true, what we want in this case

It just so happens that functions are both 'function' primitives and instances of 'Function', which is a bit of an oddity given that it doesn't work like that for other primitive types eg.

(typeof function(){} == 'function') == (function(){} instanceof Function)


(typeof 'foo' == 'string') != ('foo' instanceof String)

According to MDN documentation about typeof, objects instantiated with the "new" keyword are of type 'object':

typeof 'bla' === 'string';

// The following are confusing, dangerous, and wasteful. Avoid them.
typeof new Boolean(true) === 'object'; 
typeof new Number(1) === 'object'; 
typeof new String('abc') === 'object';

While documentation about instanceof points that:

const objectString = new String('String created with constructor');
objectString instanceOf String; // returns true
objectString instanceOf Object; // returns true

So if one wants to check e.g. that something is a string no matter how it was created, safest approach would be to use instanceof.

One more case is that You only can collate with instanceof - it returns true or false. With typeof you can get type of provided something

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