I thought I would add some server side php code to this answer for any beginners that read this post and are struggling to figure out how to receive the file on the server side and save the file to the filesystem.
I realize that this answer does not directly answer the OP's question, but since Brandon's answer is sufficient for the iOS device side of uploading and he mentions that some knowledge of php is necessary, I thought I would fill in the php gap with this answer.
Here is a class I put together with some sample usage code. Note that the files are stored in directories based on which user is uploading them. This may or may not be applicable to your use, but I thought I'd leave it in place just in case.
class upload
protected $user;
protected $isImage;
protected $isMovie;
protected $file;
protected $uploadFilename;
protected $uploadDirectory;
protected $fileSize;
protected $fileTmpName;
protected $fileType;
protected $fileExtension;
protected $saveFilePath;
protected $allowedExtensions;
function __construct($file, $userPointer)
// set the file we're uploading
$this->file = $file;
// if this is tied to a user, link the user account here
$this->user = $userPointer;
// set default bool values to false since we don't know what file type is being uploaded yet
$this->isImage = FALSE;
$this->isMovie = FALSE;
// setup file properties
if (isset($this->file) && !empty($this->file))
$this->uploadFilename = $this->file['file']['name'];
$this->fileSize = $this->file['file']['size'];
$this->fileTmpName = $this->file['file']['tmp_name'];
$this->fileType = $this->file['file']['type'];
throw new Exception('Received empty data. No file found to upload.');
// get the file extension of the file we're trying to upload
$tmp = explode('.', $this->uploadFilename);
$this->fileExtension = strtolower(end($tmp));
public function image($postParams)
// set default error alert (or whatever you want to return if error)
$retVal = array('alert' => '115');
// set our bool
$this->isImage = TRUE;
// set our type limits
$this->allowedExtensions = array("png");
// setup destination directory path (without filename yet)
$this->uploadDirectory = DIR_IMG_UPLOADS.$this->user->uid."/photos/";
// if user is not subscribed they are allowed only one image, clear their folder here
if ($this->user->isSubscribed() == FALSE)
// try to upload the file
$success = $this->startUpload();
if ($success === TRUE)
// return the image name (NOTE: this wipes the error alert set above)
$retVal = array(
'imageName' => $this->uploadFilename,
return $retVal;
public function movie($data)
// update php settings to handle larger uploads
// you may need to increase allowed filesize as well if your server is not set with a high enough limit
// set default return value (error code for upload failed)
$retVal = array('alert' => '92');
// set our bool
$this->isMovie = TRUE;
// set our allowed movie types
$this->allowedExtensions = array("mov", "mp4", "mpv", "3gp");
// setup destination path
$this->uploadDirectory = DIR_IMG_UPLOADS.$this->user->uid."/movies/";
// only upload the movie if the user is a subscriber
if ($this->user->isSubscribed())
// try to upload the file
$success = $this->startUpload();
if ($success === TRUE)
// file uploaded so set the new retval
$retVal = array('movieName' => $this->uploadFilename);
// return an error code so user knows this is a limited access feature
$retVal = array('alert' => '13');
return $retVal;
// Upload Process Methods
private function startUpload()
// see if there are any errors
// validate the type received is correct
// check the filesize
// create the directory for the user if it does not exist
// generate a local file name
// verify that the file is an uploaded file
// save the image to the appropriate folder
$success = $this->saveFileToDisk();
// return TRUE/FALSE
return $success;
private function checkForUploadErrors()
if ($this->file['file']['error'] != 0)
throw new Exception($this->file['file']['error']);
private function checkFileExtension()
if ($this->isImage)
// check if we are in fact uploading a png image, if not return error
if (!(in_array($this->fileExtension, $this->allowedExtensions)) || $this->fileType != 'image/png' || exif_imagetype($this->fileTmpName) != IMAGETYPE_PNG)
throw new Exception('Unsupported image type. The image must be of type png.');
else if ($this->isMovie)
// check if we are in fact uploading an accepted movie type
if (!(in_array($this->fileExtension, $this->allowedExtensions)) || $this->fileType != 'video/mov')
throw new Exception('Unsupported movie type. Accepted movie types are .mov, .mp4, .mpv, or .3gp');
private function checkFileSize()
if ($this->isImage)
if($this->fileSize > TenMB)
throw new Exception('The image filesize must be under 10MB.');
else if ($this->isMovie)
if($this->fileSize > TwentyFiveMB)
throw new Exception('The movie filesize must be under 25MB.');
private function createUserDirectoryIfNotExists()
if (!file_exists($this->uploadDirectory))
mkdir($this->uploadDirectory, 0755, true);
if ($this->isMovie)
// clear any prior uploads from the directory (only one movie file per user)
private function createLocalFileName()
$now = time();
// try to create a unique filename for this users file
while(file_exists($this->uploadFilename = $now.'-'.$this->uid.'.'.$this->fileExtension))
// create our full file save path
$this->saveFilePath = $this->uploadDirectory.$this->uploadFilename;
private function clearFolder($path)
// if there's already a file with this name clear it first
return @unlink($path);
// if it's a directory, clear it's contents
$scan = glob(rtrim($path,'/').'/*');
foreach($scan as $index=>$npath)
private function verifyIsUploadedFile()
if (! is_uploaded_file($this->file['file']['tmp_name']))
throw new Exception('The file failed to upload.');
private function saveFileToDisk()
if (move_uploaded_file($this->file['file']['tmp_name'], $this->saveFilePath))
return TRUE;
throw new Exception('File failed to upload. Please retry.');
Here's some sample code demonstrating how you might use the upload class...
// get a reference to your user object if applicable
$myUser = $this->someMethodThatFetchesUserWithId($myUserId);
// get reference to file to upload
$myFile = isset($_FILES) ? $_FILES : NULL;
// use try catch to return an error for any exceptions thrown in the upload script
// create and setup upload class
$upload = new upload($myFile, $myUser);
// trigger file upload
$data = $upload->image(); // if uploading an image
$data = $upload->movie(); // if uploading movie
// return any status messages as json string
echo json_encode($data);
catch (Exception $exception)
$retData = array(
'status' => 'FALSE',
'payload' => array(
'errorMsg' => $exception->getMessage()
echo json_encode($retData);