JPA is indisputably a great simplification in the domain of enterprise applications built on the Java platform. As a developer who had to cope up with the intricacies of the old entity beans in J2EE I see the inclusion of JPA among the Java EE specifications as a big leap forward. However, while delving deeper into the JPA details I find things that are not so easy. In this article I deal with comparison of the EntityManager’s merge and persist methods whose overlapping behavior may cause confusion not only to a newbie. Furthermore I propose a generalization that sees both methods as special cases of a more general method combine.
Persisting entities
In contrast to the merge method the persist method is pretty straightforward and intuitive. The most common scenario of the persist method's usage can be summed up as follows:
"A newly created instance of the entity class is passed to the persist method. After this method returns, the entity is managed and planned for insertion into the database. It may happen at or before the transaction commits or when the flush method is called. If the entity references another entity through a relationship marked with the PERSIST cascade strategy this procedure is applied to it also."
The specification goes more into details, however, remembering them is not crucial as these details cover more or less exotic situations only.
Merging entities
In comparison to persist, the description of the merge's behavior is not so simple. There is no main scenario, as it is in the case of persist, and a programmer must remember all scenarios in order to write a correct code. It seems to me that the JPA designers wanted to have some method whose primary concern would be handling detached entities (as the opposite to the persist method that deals with newly created entities primarily.) The merge method's major task is to transfer the state from an unmanaged entity (passed as the argument) to its managed counterpart within the persistence context. This task, however, divides further into several scenarios which worsen the intelligibility of the overall method's behavior.
Instead of repeating paragraphs from the JPA specification I have prepared a flow diagram that schematically depicts the behaviour of the merge method:
So, when should I use persist and when merge?