[sql] TSQL Pivot without aggregate function

I have a table like this...

CustomerID   DBColumnName   Data
1            FirstName      Joe
1            MiddleName     S
1            LastName       Smith
1            Date           12/12/2009
2            FirstName      Sam
2            MiddleName     S
2            LastName       Freddrick
2            Date           1/12/2009
3            FirstName      Jaime
3            MiddleName     S
3            LastName       Carol
3            Date           12/1/2009

And I want this...

Is this possible using PIVOT?

CustomerID  FirstName   MiddleName          LastName        Date
1           Joe             S               Smith           12/12/2009
2           Sam             S               Freddrick       1/12/2009
3           Jaime           S               Carol           12/1/2009

This question is related to sql sql-server tsql pivot pivot-without-aggregate

The answer is

yes, but why !!??

   Select CustomerID,
     Min(Case DBColumnName When 'FirstName' Then Data End) FirstName,
     Min(Case DBColumnName When 'MiddleName' Then Data End) MiddleName,
     Min(Case DBColumnName When 'LastName' Then Data End) LastName,
     Min(Case DBColumnName When 'Date' Then Data End) Date
   From table
   Group By CustomerId

This should work:

select * from (select [CustomerID]  ,[Demographic] ,[Data]
from [dbo].[pivot]
) as Ter

pivot (max(Data) for  Demographic in (FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, [Date]))as bro

The OP didn't actually need to pivot without agregation but for those of you coming here to know how see:

sql parameterised cte query

The answer to that question involves a situation where pivot without aggregation is needed so an example of doing it is part of the solution.

f.Data AS FirstName,
m.Data AS MiddleName,
l.Data AS LastName,
d.Data AS Date
FROM table main
INNER JOIN table f on f.CustomerID = main.CustomerID
INNER JOIN table m on m.CustomerID = main.CustomerID
INNER JOIN table l on l.CustomerID = main.CustomerID
INNER JOIN table d on d.CustomerID = main.CustomerID
WHERE f.DBColumnName = 'FirstName' 
AND m.DBColumnName = 'MiddleName' 
AND l.DBColumnName = 'LastName' 
AND d.DBColumnName = 'Date' 

Edit: I have written this without an editor & have not run the SQL. I hope, you get the idea.

Ok, sorry for the poor question. gbn got me on the right track. This is what I was looking for in an answer.

SELECT [FirstName], [MiddleName], [LastName], [Date] 
FROM #temp 
(   MIN([Data]) 
    FOR [DBColumnName] IN ([FirstName], [MiddleName], [LastName], [Date]) 
)AS p

Then I had to use a while statement and build the above statement as a varchar and use dynmaic sql.

Using something like this

SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'SELECT ' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@fulltext,'(',''),')','')
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'FROM #temp '
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'PIVOT'
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + '('
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + ' MIN([Data])'
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + ' FOR [DBColumnName] IN '+@fulltext
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + ')'
SET @fullsql = @fullsql + 'AS p'

EXEC (@fullsql)

Having a to build @fulltext using a while loop and select the distinct column names out of the table. Thanks for the answers.

Here is a great way to build dynamic fields for a pivot query:

--summarize values to a tmp table

declare @STR varchar(1000)
SELECT  @STr =  COALESCE(@STr +', ', '') 
+ QUOTENAME(DateRange) 
from (select distinct DateRange, ID from ##pivot)d order by ID

---see the fields generated

print @STr

exec('  .... pivot code ...
pivot (avg(SalesAmt) for DateRange IN (' + @Str +')) AS P
order by Decile')

WITH pivot_data AS
SELECT customerid, -- Grouping Column
dbcolumnname, -- Spreading Column
data -- Aggregate Column
FROM pivot2 
SELECT customerid, [firstname], [middlename], [lastname]
FROM pivot_data
PIVOT (max(data) FOR dbcolumnname IN ([firstname],[middlename],[lastname])) AS p;

Try this:



        ... and so on ...



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Examples related to pivot-without-aggregate

TSQL Pivot without aggregate function