[css] How to use HTML to print header and footer on every printed page of a document?

Muhammad Musavi's comment is the best answer, so here it is surfaced as an actual Answer:

thead/tfoot are automatically repeated on the top and bottom of each page. However, tfoot isn't sticky to the bottom of the last page.

position: fixed in print will repeat on each page, and the footer will stick to the bottom of all pages including the last one - but, it won't create space for its contents.

Combine them:


<header>(repeated header)</header>

<table class=paging><thead><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>

(content goes here)


<footer>(repeated footer)</footer>


@page {
    size: letter;
    margin: .5in;

@media print {
    table.paging thead td, table.paging tfoot td {
        height: .5in;

header, footer {
    width: 100%; height: .5in;

header {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;

@media print {
    header, footer {
        position: fixed;
    footer {
        bottom: 0;

There are a lot of niceties you can add in here, but I've intentionally slashed this to the bare minimum to get a cleanly rendering header and footer, appearing once on-screen and at the top and bottom of every printed page.


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