[sql] How to format a numeric column as phone number in SQL

I have table in the database with a phone number column. The numbers look like this:


I want to format that to look like this:


This question is related to sql sql-server sql-server-2005 tsql

The answer is

Updated @sqiller's function for my purposes

CREATE FUNCTION [toolbox].[FormatPhoneNumber] (
    @PhoneNumber VARCHAR(50),
    @DefaultIfUnknown VARCHAR(50)
    -- remove any extension
    IF CHARINDEX('x', @PhoneNumber, 1) > 0
        SET @PhoneNumber = SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 1, CHARINDEX('x', @PhoneNumber, 1) - 1)

    -- cleanse phone number string
    WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',@PhoneNumber) > 0
        SET @PhoneNumber = REPLACE(@PhoneNumber,

    -- Remove US international code if exists, i.e. 12345678900
    IF SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber,1,1) = '1' AND LEN(@PhoneNumber) = 11
        SET @PhoneNumber = SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 2, 10)

    -- any phone numbers without 10 characters are set to default
    IF LEN(@PhoneNumber) <> 10
        RETURN @DefaultIfUnknown

    -- build US standard phone number
    SET @PhoneNumber = '(' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber,1,3) + ') ' +
                SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber,4,3) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber,7,4)

    RETURN @PhoneNumber

Solutions that use SUBSTRING and concatenation + are nearly independent of RDBMS. Here is a short solution that is specific to SQL Server:

declare @x int = 123456789
select stuff(stuff(@x, 4, 0, '-'), 8, 0, '-')

I do not recommend keeping bad data in the database and then only correcting it on the output. We have a database where phone numbers are entered in variously as :

  • (555) 555-5555
  • 555+555+5555
  • 555.555.5555
  • (555)555-5555
  • 5555555555

Different people in an organization may write various retrieval functions and updates to the database, and therefore it would be harder to set in place formatting and retrieval rules. I am therefore correcting the data in the database first and foremost and then setting in place rules and form validations that protect the integrity of this database going forward.

I see no justification for keeping bad data unless as suggested a duplicate column be added with corrected formatting and the original data kept around for redundancy and reference, and YES I consider badly formatted data as BAD data.

I'd generally recommend you leave the formatting up to your front-end code and just return the data as-is from SQL. However, to do it in SQL, I'd recommend you create a user-defined function to format it. Something like this:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnFormatPhoneNumber](@PhoneNo VARCHAR(20))
DECLARE @Formatted VARCHAR(25)

IF (LEN(@PhoneNo) <> 10)
    SET @Formatted = @PhoneNo
    SET @Formatted = LEFT(@PhoneNo, 3) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNo, 4, 3) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNo, 7, 4)

RETURN @Formatted

Which you can then use like this:

SELECT [dbo].[fnFormatPhoneNumber](PhoneNumber) AS PhoneNumber
FROM SomeTable

It has a safeguard in, in case the phone number stored isn't the expected number of digits long, is blank, null etc - it won't error.

EDIT: Just clocked on you want to update your existing data. The main bit that's relevant from my answer then is that you need to protect against "dodgy"/incomplete data (i.e. what if some existing values are only 5 characters long)

You Can Use FORMAT if you column is a number Syntax like FORMAT ( value, format [, culture ] ) In use like FORMAT ( @d, 'D', 'en-US' ) or FORMAT(123456789,'###-##-####') (But This works for only SQL SERVER 2012 And After)



if your column is Varchar Or Nvarchar use do like this CONCAT(SUBSTRING(CELLPHONE,0,4),' ',SUBSTRING(CELLPHONE,4,3),' ',SUBSTRING(CELLPHONE,7,2) ,' ',SUBSTRING(CELLPHONE,9,2) )

You can always get help from


If you want to just format the output no need to create a new table or a function. In this scenario the area code was on a separate fields. I use field1, field2 just to illustrate you can select other fields in the same query:

area  phone
213   8962102

Select statement:

Select field1, field2,areacode,phone,SUBSTR(tablename.areacode,1,3) + '-' + SUBSTR(tablename.phone,1,3) + '-' + SUBSTR(tablename.areacode,4,4) as Formatted Phone from tablename

Sample OUTPUT:

data:    Field1, Field2, 213,  8962102,  213-896-2102

Above users mentioned, those solutions are very basic and they won't work if the database has different phone formats like:


Here is a more complex solution that will work with ANY input given:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_FormatPhone] (@PhoneNumber VARCHAR(32))
    DECLARE @Phone CHAR(32)

    SET @Phone = @PhoneNumber

    -- cleanse phone number string
    WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @PhoneNumber) > 0
        SET @PhoneNumber = REPLACE(@PhoneNumber, SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @PhoneNumber), 1), '')

    -- skip foreign phones
    IF (
            SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 1, 1) = '1'
            OR SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 1, 1) = '+'
            OR SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 1, 1) = '0'
        AND LEN(@PhoneNumber) > 11
        RETURN @Phone

    -- build US standard phone number
    SET @Phone = @PhoneNumber
    SET @PhoneNumber = '(' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 1, 3) + ') ' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 4, 3) + '-' + SUBSTRING(@PhoneNumber, 7, 4)

    IF LEN(@Phone) - 10 > 1
        SET @PhoneNumber = @PhoneNumber + ' X' + SUBSTRING(@Phone, 11, LEN(@Phone) - 10)

    RETURN @PhoneNumber

You can also try this:

CREATE  function [dbo].[fn_FormatPhone](@Phone varchar(30)) 
returns varchar(30)
declare @FormattedPhone varchar(30)

set     @Phone = replace(@Phone, '.', '-') --alot of entries use periods instead of dashes
set @FormattedPhone =
      When isNumeric(@Phone) = 1 Then
          when len(@Phone) = 10 then '('+substring(@Phone, 1, 3)+')'+ ' ' +substring(@Phone, 4, 3)+ '-' +substring(@Phone, 7, 4)
          when len(@Phone) = 7  then substring(@Phone, 1, 3)+ '-' +substring(@Phone, 4, 4)
          else @Phone
      When @phone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' Then '('+substring(@Phone, 1, 3)+')'+ ' ' +substring(@Phone, 5, 3)+ '-' +substring(@Phone, 8, 4)
      When @phone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' Then '('+substring(@Phone, 1, 3)+')'+ ' ' +substring(@Phone, 5, 3)+ '-' +substring(@Phone, 9, 4)
      When @phone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' Then '('+substring(@Phone, 1, 3)+')'+ ' ' +substring(@Phone, 5, 3)+ '-' +substring(@Phone, 9, 4)
      Else @Phone
return  @FormattedPhone


use on it select

(SELECT [dbo].[fn_FormatPhone](f.coffphone)) as 'Phone'

Output will be

enter image description here

I found that this works if wanting in a (123) - 456-7890 format.

UPDATE table 
SET Phone_number =  '(' +  
                    SUBSTRING(Phone_number, 1, 3) 
                    + ') ' 
                    + '- ' +
                    SUBSTRING(Phone_number, 4, 3) 
                    + '-' +
                    SUBSTRING(Phone_number, 7, 4) 

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