I know this is an old question, but if you really would like to have this working with your ModelBinder (in respect to DefaultModelBinder.ResourceClassKey = "MyResource";
as well as the resources indicated in the data annotations of the viewmodel classes), the controller or even an ActionFilter
is too late to set the culture.
The culture could be set in Application_AcquireRequestState
, for example:
protected void Application_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
// For example a cookie, but better extract it from the url
string culture = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["culture"].Value;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(culture);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(culture);
Actually there is a better way using a custom routehandler which sets the culture according to the url, perfectly described by Alex Adamyan on his blog.
All there is to do is to override the GetHttpHandler
method and set the culture there.
public class MultiCultureMvcRouteHandler : MvcRouteHandler
protected override IHttpHandler GetHttpHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
// get culture from route data
var culture = requestContext.RouteData.Values["culture"].ToString();
var ci = new CultureInfo(culture);
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(ci.Name);
return base.GetHttpHandler(requestContext);